Chapter 42

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In Indraprasth:

Absolute silence descended on the meeting room where Yudhisthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahdev was. Yudhisthir heard everything that happened in Indraprasth and on the return journey from Panchal. Connecting the dots weren't that difficult. They were worried for Arjun too. A message was sent through the spy who was keeping an eye on Arjun. Everyone suspected who could be behind these attacks. But there was no proof to confirm the suspicion.

"If Nakul captured the assassin, maybe we would have gotten something after questioning." Yudhisthir said sighing.

"There's no use. The assassins of Huna tribe are tough as nails. Even extreme torture doesn't break them. That's why people trust them to get the job done. And whoever hires them is never allowed in their territory. Their messenger takes the deal to them. I doubt they even knew who they were working for." Sahdev replied gloomily.

"So, now? We sit down silently and wait for them to do something again? Even when we know who is behind all this?!" Bheem asked angrily.

"Calm down Bheem." Yudhisthir said.

"How can I calm down bhrata? That Duryodhan and Gandharraj is sending people inside our home to kill us and even knowing everything, we are sitting idly and encouraging them!"

"We do not know if it was them or someone else, Bheem."

"Do you not believe it is them bhrata?"

"I suspect them. But we have no proof to say with certainty or prove that it is them."

"So we sit down calmly doing nothing? Even at our own residence we are not safe. First the attack on Devika bhabishree, now this Rasika inside the palace and the assassins. If something happened to Draupadi or Drisana, then?" Bheem retorted angrily. Yudhisthir remained silent thinking the same.

"This is not about us five anymore, bhrata. The women are getting dragged into this too. If at their own household, we cannot assure their safety then how will they be able to trust us?" Nakul said this time.

"You're right. And I am trying to think of a solution too." Yudhisthir replied.

"Solution is only one, bhrata Yudhisthir. Let me go to Hastinapur and bring the head of Duryodhan and his Mamashree." Bheem said again gritting his jaw.

"This is not so easy Bheem. I'm also angry at the happenings. And trust me if it was any other Kingdom than Hastinapur, I wouldn't have stopped you. But the people residing there, are our family too." Yudhisthir replied evenly.
"Tell me something. You want to go to Hastinapur, right? When you go there, the first one who will stop you on the entrance only will be the protector of Hastinapur, our Pitamah. Will you be able to raise weapon on him?"

As Bheem remained silent, Yudhisthir continued.
"Maharaj Dhritrastra will ask for proof before you even touch Duryodhan, even though seeing the proofs won't make much difference to him. And this anger of yours which remains ready to burn Duryodhan, have you ever thought if someday you manage to kill Duryodhan, what answer will you give to Jyesth Mata Gandhari? Do you realise how much it hurts her and Mata to see such hostility between you two?"

"She has sent gifts and blessings for you and Valandhara from Hastinapur. And you want to go there to kill her son." Yudhisthir said again.
"I saw despondency clear in Pitamah's eyes this time. He had no hope left for Hastinapur and we haven't done anything to give him any relief. Kakashree told me, Pitamah opposed the decision of making Gandharraj a council member. But Tatshree said that he is loyal to the throne of Hastinapur and his opposing the king's decision raises question on that loyalty."

"How can he say that?! This is an insult to Pitamah. Everyone knows that Pitamah has dedicated his whole life to Hastinapur." Nakul said in dismay.

"Apparently, Tatshree thinks that Pitamah is still waiting for an opportunity to give Hastinapur to us." Yudhisthir replied sadly.

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