Chapter 51

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In Kuntirastra:

"Mamashree? Why are you sitting here alone?" Bheem asked coming beside the lake situated in the woodland behind the palace of Kunti. He had come out of the palace to roam around when he found Rajkumar Purujit sitting here.

"You do know that I'm younger in age than you, right?"  Purujit asked in a bored tone.

The first time he met Bheem, he had slapped Purujit's shoulder asking,

'Kaise hai Mamashree? (How are you, Mamashree?)'

Purujit almost lost his balance stumbling on his feet. Apparently Rajmata Kunti had ten younger brothers and Purujit was the youngest son of Maharaj Kuntibhoj. It amused Bheem to no end that his youngest Mamashree was younger than even Nakul and Sahdev. Besides he knew hearing Mamashree from him irritated Purujit. So, he continued to be more amused by annoying him.

"But you're elder in relation Mamashree. And we should always respect our elders. That's what my Mata and your sister taught me." Bheem replied controlling his teasing smirk.

Purujit huffed out a breath knowing Bheem wasn't going to stop. Well. What was the inauspicious time when he wondered how would it feel to hear 'Mamashree' from the giant and mighty Pandava. It made him laugh at that time. But now the joke was on him only.

"I never got the chance to meet Jiji. How is she?" Purujit asked after a while.

Kunti had visited Kuntirastra when Pandavs were in Gurukul. But at that time, Purujit was in Gurukul too. He had only heard of the graceful woman, stout-hearted queen and mother of the valorous sons. She was the pride of Kuntirastra.

When Maharaj Kuntibhoj heard of the truth about Angaraj Karna, the first son of Kunti, he had been very upset. How could Kunti make such a crucial mistake? And how could she hide such a thing from him? Did she never considered him as her father? Or had he failed to be her father? He was really hurt and ashamed by Kunti's actions. What answer would he give if Hastinapur came seeking explanation or revenge?

But Purujit wondered what would his father have done if Kunti came to him after making the mistake. We all loved to see the world around us in only black and white. But the lingering grays either got ignored or forgotten completely. Rather than seeing or acknowledging our own faults, we loved to place the blame on others and throw accusations. We crunched our faces at the sight of mud, not realising we ourselves were neck deep in muds.

"She is absolutely amazing. Someday come to Indraprasth. Mata will be very happy to meet you." Bheem replied with a fond smile. And then added with a mischievous one,

"Aur humain bhi badi prasannata hogi hamare Kanistha Mamashree ke seba ka absar paa kar. Yoh kya hai na, Mamashree ke naam pe aabtak humain kebal Gandharraj Shakuni ke hi darshan huye hai. Aap Indraprasth aayenge, toh pata calega, ki Mamashree kebal kale dant, kutil hasi aur jatil mastiskh ke hi nehi hote. Kabhi kabhi kuch Mama sweta dant, pyaare bol aur akarsak mukhashree ke saath bhi nikal aate hai.

(And we will also be very pleased to get the chance of doing hospitality of our youngest Mamashree. The thing is, we only got the visual of Gandharraj Shakuni at the name of Mamashree till now. If you come to Indraprasth, then everyone will know that Mamashrees don't only come with black teeth, cunning smile and complex brains. Some Mamashrees come with white teeth, sweet talks and cute faces too.)"

Purujit stared at him for long moments. Before both of them burst in laughter.


In Indraprasth:

Nakul sat in the meeting chamber looking over some parchments with a frown. He wasn't in a better mood. And how could he be when there was still no news of Sahdev. Drisana sensed the tension in him and tried to ask what happened a few times. But as per Yudhisthir's instruction, Nakul did not reveal anything. Drisana didn't pressurise him either.

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