Chapter 19

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It feels weird to call you that after years of calling bhrata Yudhisthir Jyesth. But that does not mean I didn't accept you as my eldest brother. I will be honest, it took me some getting used to though. When I found out you're our brother, immense guilt and remorse took residence inside me. I remember every single time when I insulted you. It pains me a lot to imagine the hurt and humiliation my words caused you.
And there's nothing I can do except regret my actions. To me everything seems simple. Love your dear ones and hate your enemies. That's what I thought you were. Enemy who wants to defeat my anuj and won't hesitate to harm him. Nakul said you're not a bad person, you're only with the bad ones. But I couldn't understand the difference. To me it was simple, if you're siding with the enemy, you're enemy too.
But now I know, you were only protecting your dear ones like me. Unfortunately that dear one to you was or is Duryodhan. But I don't hate you for it Jyesth. I understand now. He was the one who had been there for you when everyone else rejected your talent. If anything, I feel ashamed that I failed to do what he did.
If possible forgive me Jyesth. Forgive me for failing you, forgive me for not understanding, forgive me for my harsh words and behaviour.
Forgive me for everything. Please.

Your anuj, Bheem.

Karna folded the message back with a sigh. Vasudev had given this to him saying Bheem handed him this while leaving Kashi. He heard what happened at Kashi and was sad for Duryodhan. But Bheem or Valandhara couldn't be blamed. Just like him and Subhadra, they had been in a difficult situation. But that didn't mean Duryodhan would forgive them.

Karna released a long sigh. Over the years, his relationship with Yudhisthir, Arjun and Nakul had improved even before this revelation. Whatever distance and competitiveness he and Arjun had also diminished at the time of his stay at Dravida. But Bheem and Sahdev were a different matter. Sahdev was naturally calm and quiet. They never had much interaction apart from the occasional greetings. As for Bheem, all he needed was the sight of Karna to get angry.

He had forgiven Pandavs and Kunti. But he felt awkward at the thought of being among them. The five brothers were like the five fingers of a hand. Where would he fit among them?

"Vrisha?" Subhadra called, bringing him back from his musings. Karna gave a slight smile in reply as Subhadra came to sit beside him.

"Are we going to Indraprasth to celebrate Deepavali?" Subhadra asked. Both Mata Kunti and Yudhisthir had requested individually in their letters to accept the invitation and to celebrate the auspicious occasion with them. A few days before the Deepavali, Devika's baby shower was going to be held too. What could be more euphoric than unifying all the family members under the same roof in this occasion of unity?

"We are." Karna replied.

"I'm so excited. I'll meet my Jijis again. We had so much fun at Drisana Jiji's wedding. Wait. Devika Jiji's baby shower is going to happen too. I'll have to choose gifts for her. But what will I gift her?" Subhadra said with enthusiasm and then started to ponder on the later with a frown.

Karna smiled watching her excitement. She looked so adorable like this that he could do anything just to see her this smile. 'Even get a beating from Balaram', thought Karna with a sigh.

Karna had well understood who his challenger was just after the duel started. Well, who could thrash him like a washer washes clothes other than the Mahabali himself. Unsurprisingly when Subhadra 'fainted', Balaram had immediately rushed to his beloved sister's side even before Karna, leaving the duel in middle. Krishna had been watching with an innocent worried expression.

"Sthira! Sthira!!" Karna called shaking her gently.

"Kanha, see what happened to Bhadre!" Balaram said with tension.

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