Chapter 32

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Hello readers!!!

Before starting I want to clarify one thing. You may wonder how can Dhristyadhymn or Drupad think of cancelling the marriage on the wedding day only?

The thing is a verbal vow made meant more to them than rituals or traditions.

For example, Bhishma's verbal vow meant to him more than the traditions or rituals or even righteousness sometimes. Since he won the swayambar of Kashikumaris, he should have been the one to marry her, tradition and Dharma said that which he ignored.

Vakdaanam ceremony wasn't like modern day engagement involving the girl and groom. It was a ceremony performed by the elders or guardians of them. In short in this ceremony, the elders of the boy asked the father of the girl for her hand on behalf of the boy. And the father agrees and then they fix a date for the wedding. In short, it was an official agreement for the betrothal by both parties.
Not a vow or promise.

Though in that time, people didn't break the agreement easily and it was insulting, but there's a few references of it getting broken.

Like in Devi Rukmini and Subhadra's case. But it wasn't taken as direly as a broken vow.

It's more like peace agreement between Kingdoms which can get broken facing disputes. On a more personal level, it's agreement, not given promise.

So, yes. Dhristyadhymn and Drupad is breaking the agreement, not given words.


After sometime, Dridhaksh arrived with Daiwik. He took in the atmosphere with a blank face.

"Here. My son has come. Now tell Drupad. Why you suddenly want to cancel the wedding and start a war? And what gave you the right to call him a betrayer?" Maharaj Drishadvat asked in a cold tone.

"Because your this son has not only betrayed Dhristyadhymn, but also me and Panchal. He demanded Shikhandini in exchange of a weapon!!! How dare he!!!" Maharaj Drupad shouted angrily.

Shikhandini and Draupadi came inside the chamber just to hear his accusations. Shikhandini's breath got stuck at her throat in shock.

"Dridhaksh? Would you explain what Drupad is saying?" Maharaj Drishadvat ordered in a stiff tone.

"That's true and false too. Yuvraj Dhristyadhymn wanted a weapon that I had in my possession. He was desperate enough to come to me asking for it. After thinking about it, I offered him a deal. That Rajkumari Shikhandini who is well trained in warfare, will train Dravida's woman and in exchange I will give the weapon. But then he was the one who came to me with the marriage proposal. As I already liked Rajkumari Shikhandini, I agreed to it." Dridhaksh replied casually shocking more than half the occupants of the room.

"Lie!!! He is lying. He wanted Shikhandini because---" Dhristyadhymn shouted, but stopped realising he couldn't say because of Drisana. A sister for a sister. Unless his father would know how she made a fool of him.

"Because of what, Dhristyadhymn?" Dridhaksh asked mockingly.

"Because of her! Your sister! She suggested you to do it. The idea came from only her mind!" Dhristyadhymn said in agitation pointing at Drisana.

"So, what is wrong in it, Yuvraj Dhristyadhymn? Can't a sister give suggestions to her brother? Specially when I was aware of my brother's feelings regarding Rajkumari Shikhandini. And it was you who came with the marriage proposal. Then why are you blaming us now?" Drisana asked in confusion.

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