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In Indraprasth:

"Nirmay! Get up." Drisana said again nudging him.

"What happened Hridi?" Nakul asked sleepily.

"I am hungry." Drisana replied whining.

"Then eat something." Nakul mumbled.

"What will I eat?"

"There's fruits there."

"I don't want them."

"Then eat the sweets."

"I don't like them."

"There's pickles too."

"Aur tum bhi ho yeaha. Tumhe kha jau? (And you're here too. Should I eat you?)" Drisana said gritting her teeth.

"Mujhe koyi aapatti nehi. (I don't mind.)" Nakul murmured sleepily.

"Nirmay!!!" Drisana snapped in irritation. "If you don't get up right now, then I will leave for Dravida tomorrow."

That got his attention finally as Nakul instantly got up sitting straight. "Dravida! Who is coming from Dravida?"

"No one is coming. I am going." Drisana said angrily.

"Why?" Nakul asked in confusion.

"Because you don't even feed me properly. You keep me hungry and don't even take care of me. You don't love me anymore." Drisana said and started crying. There was real tears slipping from her eyes. Nakul's eyes rounded watching her.

'Pregnancy Hormones! Right.' Nakul's brain supplied as he snapped out of his stupor. He gently pulled Drisana in his arms and held her even though she tried to resist him. She kept whimpering as Nakul caressed her back.

Since Drisana had entered her second trimester, her mood swings were playing a havoc on Nakul. The other day, she had started crying in front of everyone at the dining hall because Nakul forbade her to eat red chilli pickle. He had forbidden only because this much spice wasn't good for her health, but Drisana became angry and didn't talk to him the whole day. Not only Nakul, but the whole family remained on their toes around her. Some days ago Bheem made food and Drisana made faces and commented Bheem had forgotten to cook. Valandhara was no less. She supported the statement and then the both started pointing out all the imaginary faults in the food.

And Bheem. He took the food to Draupadi to taste! In doubt, Bheem made the food three times before finally catching up that Draupadi and Drisana's taste buds were going crazy and his wife was just taking pleasure from it.

Not only that, she unnecessarily got into an argument with Sahdev. Sahdev was saying, Mauravi was quite fierce and bold, and Drisana narrowed her eyes asking did he wanted women to be meek and cage them in the dungeon?
After that Sahdev sat helplessly, as Drisana gave him a full length lecture on how women should be treated and how they were oppressed because of men like him!
Sahdev was going to open his mouth to ask what did he do. But remained quiet as Nakul signed him.

'Either hear quietly or hear more.'

So, our intelligent Sahdev stayed mum only nodding here and there.

"Sorry." Drisana whispered softly after a while. Nakul smiled still holding her in his embrace.

"It's okay. What do you want to eat Hridaya?" He asked.

"I want 'ice-cream'." Drisana replied pouting and Nakul froze. Another addition to the side effects of pregnancy was, Drisana asked for weird food items that no one had any idea about. Sometimes Valandhara pacified her with something or other. But other times her mood soured because of not getting what she wanted.

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