Chapter 30

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Drisana had just finished taking her bath and was in the temple of Mahadev. It had become her routine since she came to Dwapar. At first, she had faced some difficulty in going to bed so early and getting up in brahma muhurtha. But it was the way of people in this era and anything else was generally frowned upon. Kunti had been lenient with her regarding this though she expected Drisana to wake up before sunrise. But living with six people in exile who all followed the routine had made her habituated to it too.

So, now here she was. With her long wet hair loosely confined, a plain orange saree wrapped with sirovastra placed on head, a simple red bindi adoring her forehead and her Chudamani atop her hair, she sat inside the temple meditating after biding Nakul who went to perform abultion in the holy waters of Ganga.

Dhristyadhymn approached Dridhaksh who was taking bath in the river and stood at the riverbank waiting for him to come out

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Dhristyadhymn approached Dridhaksh who was taking bath in the river and stood at the riverbank waiting for him to come out.

"Congratulations! You're getting married today and my end of the bargain is fulfilled." Dhristyadhymn said with a quirk of his lips as Dridhaksh wiped himself with a dry cloth kept on the side . "Now it's your turn."

Dridhaksh turned his eyes to him staring blankly. Just as Dhristyadhymn was getting uncomfortable under his stare, a slow smile started to appear on his lips.

"Of course. That's exactly why I called you here, didn't I? To fulfill my sister's promise and my end of the bargain." Dridhaksh replied.

"But why here? And at this time?" Dhristyadhymn asked frowning.

"What can be a more auspicious time than this? This is the appropriate time to start our day with positivity and I wanted to close the deal and start afresh at this time only. Besides there's no one around to question us." Dridhaksh replied casually.

"So, where is it?" Dhristyadhymn asked nodding.

Dridhaksh got the noose tied on the end of the cloth he was using to dry himself. Dhristyadhymns' eyes sparkled. Finally. His years of hard work was going to bear fruit. Now just as Shikhandini left Panchal, he would go to challenge Drona. Just a few more days and the reason of his birth would be fulfilled. He would finally take revenge of his father's insult.

Dhristyadhymn forwarded his hand looking pointedly at Dridhaksh. Dridhaksh handed him the Yamapasha.

"Here, at this instance, the chapter is closed. Drisana and you made a deal and both fulfilled your ends. Now, the Pasha is yours. What you do with it or what happens ahead is not our responsibility. You're free from your promise and so is Drisana." Dridhaksh said lazily, but Dhristyadhymn didn't miss the gravity behind those words. He nodded in agreement. He wasn't interested in keeping contact with that woman either.

He was going to say something before they heard a loud sound and shouts coming from afar. They quickly moved towards the sound to see the matter. As they ran hurriedly to reach another side of the river, the sight in front turned Dridhaksh's blood cold in fear.

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