Intro/The First Day

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                                                                    Professor Kim Taehyung

Professor Kim looked at himself in his rearview mirror one last time before heading into the school

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Professor Kim looked at himself in his rearview mirror one last time before heading into the school. This was his first day as an "official" professor and he was more nervous than he had anticipated being. "Hair...check...glasses...check...briefcase...check.", he said to himself as he gathered up his belongings. "Ok Kim Taehyung...fighting!', he exclaimed confidently as he exited the brown SUV and made his way towards the massive stone building. Professor Kim didn't know what to expect with this job. He really wanted teach college level literature, but Busan High School had contacted him right after graduation through his advisor and had immediately offered him the Professor of Honors English position here at the school. And considering he was a new graduate with zero teaching experience, he didn't feel as though he could pass the opportunity up. With one last calming breath, he pushed open the heavy wooden door to the school and whispered, "Let's get it!".  


                                                      Jungkook and his best friend Park Jimin

                                                      Jungkook and his best friend Park Jimin

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                                                                                     Chapter One:

First Day

Jungkook burst through the door of Busan High ready to take on the world. It was his senior year, and he was beyond ready to be out of high school and off to bigger and better things at Seoul University. All he had to do was make it through two more grueling semesters in this shit hole and he was free! Free to sleep in and party and oh yeah most himself without caring what others in this dumb ass town thought of him. 

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