Birthday Boy

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Days passed by and there was no sign of Jungkook in class. Taehyung tried his best not to worry, but he was really concerned about the ravenette. As bad as it was killing him, Tae knew that he needed to give the boy time to cool off, and that Jungkook would approach him when he was ready. God, he hoped that the boy would eventually be ready. Sitting down at his desk to give his class the daily assignment, the professor couldn't help but stare at the empty seat in the back of the class and think about how it wasn't the only thing that was empty.


" need to get up out of this bed and out of this room!", Mrs. Lee said as she attempted to pull the boys drapes open and motivate him to get up and out of the house.

"Mrs. Lee, please close my curtains, I told you that I have a splitting headache, and the light makes it worse.", Jungkook moaned out as he rolled himself over, turning his back to the light.

"Jeon Jungkook, I don't know what has happened, but you have been in this room for four days...if you were as sick as you claim to be, we would be visiting you at the funeral home by now and not in this musty room! Your birthday is tomorrow, and your parents will be home. They will be expecting you to be in tip top shape to greet your guests at your party, and if you aren't, they will kick me out! Now...go on...go wash up!", the older lady sternly protested.

"Mrs. Lee, you are a savage!", Jungkook croaked as he reluctantly made his way towards his bathroom to take a shower.

Looking at himself in the mirror for the first time in the last four days, elicited a small gasp from the raven-haired boy. He hardly recognized the man staring back at him. His once plump cheeks were hollow, his eyes were slightly sunken in, and he looked as though he might have lost at least 10 pounds.

Rubbing his hand over his stomach, he could feel his already defined abs even more than he could previously, and the V that was cut at his hips, looked even more pronounced now that his hip bones were a little more visible. It wasn't all bad he thought.

Ugh...what the fuck was he going to do? Running his hand down his face, he just stared at himself. "What now Jeon?", he asked his reflection. "Now what are we going to do?", the boy continued.

The raven-haired boy was completely heartbroken, and in no way wanted to face Professor Kim anytime in the near future. Or ever for that matter. And tomorrow was his fucking birthday. Uh. His parents will no doubt want to flaunt him to all of their rich and significant friends.

Gross, he can already feel the hands of his mother's friends now, grabbing on him, rubbing his arms or back, brushing their hand across his abs, or accidentally touching his ass, acting as though they are being friendly, when they are really just feeling him up.

Or God forbid the ones who come in for a hug and purposefully press their tits against him. It makes him sick. But...he is required to be a good boy and play the part. "It's good for business!", his dad had said on more than one occasion whenever Jungkook would try to protest.

He wishes that for once he could celebrate his birthday the way he actually wanted to. Doing something fun with his friends and not stuck in a tux, surrounded by snobby ass people that his parents "needed" for business.

Sighing, he stripped off the sweatpants and t-shirt that he had been wearing for the last few days and turned on the shower. Letting the hot water pour over his head, he couldn't help but feel sad again. Why didn't anything ever work out for him? Why couldn't he just be normal? No rich overachieving...and definitely no affairs with married professors.

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