Be Careful What You Wish For

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Jungkook could hardly contain himself the next morning as he got ready for his day. He woke up extra early to make sure everything was just perfect. Armed with Jimin's super tight, ripped up black jeans and a tight low-cut black t-shirt, he felt like the sexy cover model of a GQ magazine. 

The way the shirt dipped down and showed off his collarbone and hugged the right places on his impressive chest. And the way the black jeans fit to his muscular thighs like a second skin. Jungkook was built and he damn well knew it. 

His body was solid muscle with about 10-15% body fat. He worked hard to look this good. He hit the gym five to six times per week, as well as swimming on the school's swim team, where he was clearly and widely known as the best they had.

If he weren't gay, he would have absolutely no problem getting laid by girls, as he always had chicks hitting on him and sticking their number along with dirty notes in his locker. And just for the sake of keeping up with "straight" appearances, he had gone out with a few, but made sure to dump them before they could ever figure out that they were just being used. 

Jungkook was kind of a legend at Busan High School. He wasn't one of those overly cocky jocks who liked to be loud and flaunt his popularity all over the school for all to see. And even though he liked to speak out of line in class from time to time just to push the authority to the edge, he was really more of the silent and deadly type, who people found genuinely intimidating. 

He was gorgeous, well built, his family was rich, and he was good at anything he tried. Girls and guys alike, were scared of getting on the wrong side of Jeon Jungkook. He was definitely revered as someone you didn't want to fuck with...but definitely someone you wanted to fuck. 

That's why messing with Professor Priss was going to be so much fun and just add to his already bad boy celebrity status at his lame ass school.

Forgoing his usual school uniform blazer, JK opted for his black uniform hoodie. Black from head to toe, he looked like walking talking sex. And not just any sex, but bad ass rough sex. The kind that scares and excites you all at the same time. Jungkook had never experienced this type of sex, but he knew about it from porn and fanfics that he would watch or read from time to time. 

But since he was known as such a bad ass himself, that was definitely what he wanted Mr. Professor Perfect to envision when he saw him today in class. Jungkook wanted the pretty professor to see himself splayed out under JK, getting his sweet, helpless ass pounded on his big wooden desk, (which would never actually happen of course). 

Jungkook closed his eyes as he sprayed on some cologne and envisioned it...him getting Professor Kim all riled up and flustered, flirting with him, seductively touching his arm or his thigh on "accident", teasing the elder with his touch, getting him so turned on and wanting it, only to say, "sorry!", and then walking away! 

He could hardly contain his laughter as he played it all out in his head. This was going to work. He would definitely get in Professor Kim's head and fuck with him. 

"Showtime!", he said as he snatched his keys off his dresser and headed for the door. He was ready for the day and ready to get everything he wished for.


Professor Kim got to school early this morning in hopes to prepare for the day ahead. He had brought his coffee and an arsenal of literature pieces to discuss with his class in hopes to keep their mouths occupied with something other than him and his sexual preference. 

He was exhausted. He hardly got any sleep at all last night after going home and thinking of the day he had. Even his usual "stress relief" methods didn't help to bring him back to focus. Usually, to rid his body of stress, he would go to a local bar or club and pick up a poor unsuspecting victim to take back to his house and fuck senseless. 

This has been his ongoing form of stress relief for several years now. Growing up in a tumultuous household full of alcohol, abuse and Jesus, caused him to find his own unhealthy vice at a very early age; then other tragic events that came later on in his life, sealed the fate on his method of madness. And that was nothing other than sadistic sex with some poor soul who was so enamored by his beauty that they couldn't say no to relinquishing all control to him and since control was the one thing, he lacked in his life, it became the one thing he craved the most. 

Last night's participating party had been a divorced and extremely vulnerable single mom in her early thirties. Her kids were with their dad and she was all dressed up feeling the need to find self-worth in the opinion of a man; ugh... pathetic. But what she found instead was herself bound and gagged on the floor with a dick ramming in her holes repeatedly until she passed out from exhaustion.

People would never imagine in a million years that behind the polished designer suit and the sophisticated vocabulary, a sadistic sex maniac was just begging to be unleashed. It was almost as if Kim Taehyung was living a double life, but it was truly the only way he knew to be and at this point, the only way that he wanted to be. 

Being this way kept his safe from being hurt but also immersed in society just enough to seem happy and normal. Taking a sip of his scorching hot coffee, he smiled as the pain of it hit the back of his throat, reminding him of the pain he put in the back of the divorcees throat last night with his dick. 

Walking over to the window, watching as the students started showing up for the day, he was just about to take another sip of coffee when he spotted a black Mercedes pull into the parking lot. He paused and thought there was a mistake because that was the student parking lot and surely a student wouldn't be driving such an expensive car.

But just as he attempted to take yet another sip of the hot liquid he craved, he dead paused...his breath hitched in his throat and his eyes catching blaze as he spotted none other than the smart mouthed ravenette crawling out of the driver's side of the Mercedes. 

The professor's reaction didn't come just by the fact that the boy was driving such an expensive and nice car, but the boy...the confused, smart assed, e-boy that so rudely addressed him yesterday was clothed from head to toe in black, looking like walking sex. 

The black jeans that he had on were basically shredded from his knee to mid-thigh, exposing his insanely muscular legs. And the t-shirt that he had on was scoop necked, which showed off just a hint of his defined chest, right under his distinctive collarbone. How did he not notice this body before, he thought to himself

Fuck...the kid looked good. He looked like he needed a hard spanking for his bad behavior yesterday. Suddenly feeling his gray dress slacks get tight in the crotch, Taehyung readjusted himself and hummed a low and contemplating growl. 

The professor was thinking that this year, well...this year may not turn out to be so bad. And perhaps...just perhaps, he thought as he smiled slyly to himself, he could teach Jeon Jungkook some manners after all.   

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