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Chapter 21

Jungkook's eyes rolled back in his head at the sound of Professor Kim dropping to the floor in front of him.

There he stood, completely exposed, and completely at the mercy of his professor...this God of a man, who seems hell bent on ruining him. But that is okay. Jungkook wants to be ruined...he wants Professor Kim to have his way with him at whatever expense.

He barely has time to finish the last thought before he feels the professors long, exquisite fingers snake their way down his inner thigh.

"Fuck bunny, you are so soft.", the professor hissed out, as he ran his fingers the length of Jungkook's legs. Running his long finger along the muscles that sculpt the youngers thighs, the professor grinned a devilish grin and stopping right at the base of Jungkook's cock, said, "Well, at least most of you is soft.".

As the words left the professor's lips, Jungkook looked down, just in time to see the professor wrap those same long fingers around his hard shaft.

Without his permission, a groan escaped his lips. The professor's hand felt like the softest velvet against his sensitive skin. Jungkook thought that he might come right then but fought it off with all of his strength.

With more pressure than before, the professor gripped Jungkook's dick and gave it a slow stroke. Jungkook let his head fall back and his eyes close.

"No no...remember baby boy, eyes on me. I want to enjoy you watching me while I play with you.", Taehyung said.

With another stroke, this one faster than the last, the professor smiled when he saw Jungkook's enormous doe eyes land on his hand. As he continued to stroke the boy, he felt himself getting harder and hungrier.

He couldn't wait to taste this sweet bunny...to lick every inch of his creamy, smooth skin. Jungkook moaned and licked his lips. The sweat gathered on his brow, driving Taehyung wild.
Matter of fact, just this boy alone drove him wild. Never before can he remember wanting someone as badly as he wanted Jungkook.

Pumping his fist faster and harder over Jungkook's engorged shaft, Taehyung watched as the younger's knees started to shake.

"Mmmmmm, do you like this baby boy? Hmmmmm...tell me bunny, tell me that you like the way I stroke your cock so good. The way I have you so hard and willing to cum for me already. Tell me Jungkook, tell me that you want me to make you come like this.". 

Jungkook could feel every muscle in his abs contract as he tried his hardest not to spill out at that very second. Just seeing the professor, completely hungry, looking at his dick like he wanted it more than anything in the world, on his knees in front of him, jacking him off with his long, beautiful fingers...it was too much to take at once.

Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, Jungkook grunted out, "I love the way you make me want to cum Professor Kim. I want to cum with your hand wrapped around my dick.". And the second the words slipped off his tongue, the professor let go and stood up.

Completely confused, Jungkook raised his gaze to meet the professors. "See baby, you don't get to tell me what to do.", Taehyung said.

"But...you said —", Jungkook tried to protest, before the professor placed a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhhhh...bunny, I want you to wrap those pretty inked fingers around your big pretty cock and show me what you do when you think of me.", the professor said as he untied the boys wrists. "Now!", he demanded.

Jungkook stood there with the professor's large hand still covering his lips and started stroking himself.

The professor looked down to take in the sight unfolding before him. His bunny was such a good boy. He listened so well. And fuck...he was so beautiful.

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