Not In The Mood

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Jungkook had never been more ready to leave school than he was today. Finally, the last bell rang, alerting everyone that they were free to leave. Jungkook gathered his things as quickly as possible and headed out of the building. Walking towards his car, he spotted Jimin leaned up against the sleek, black Mercedes. The stressed look on the blonde boy's face told Jungkook that he was wanting to talk, and Jungkook wasn't in the fucking mood. "Kook, hey...I think we need to talk.", Jimin said in an unsure tone, barely making eye contact with his best friend.

"Listen Jimin, I am really not in the mood, and I have already said everything that I care to say, so either get in my car or get off my car, so I can go home.". Jimin looked shocked by the crassness of Jungkook's words, but the raven-haired boy didn't care. All he wanted at this moment was to get as far away from this school and as far away from Professor Prick as he could. Just as Jimin opened his mouth to protest, both of the boy's attention was drawn to the dark brown SUV that pulled up beside of Jungkook's Mercedes. "Get in!", Professor Kim said addressing Jungkook in a very stern and unpleasant tone. Jimin looked at Jungkook completely confused. "Fuck off!", Jungkook replied without even looking up, as he opened the driver side door of his car. "Jungkook, get in the God damn car! I wasn't asking!", the professor said in quiet possibly the most intimidating voice that either of the boys had ever heard.

Rolling his eyes and throwing his bag in his car, Jungkook slammed the door shut and hit the lock button on his key fab, before walking around the professors SUV and climbing in the passenger door. Jimin just stood there with his mouth wide open, staring in disbelief and completely confused as to what he just witnessed. He immediately knew that whatever was up Jungkook's ass today had something to do with the professor, and he could only hope it wasn't the professor himself. Watching as the professor's SUV disappeared out of the parking lot and out of sight, Jimin raked his hand down his face before calling Yoongi to tell him what just happened.

Sitting in complete silence, going God knows where, Jungkook felt as though he would burst into flames. He didn't look at the professor, but he could practically feel the anger radiating from the elder sitting beside of him. No one said a word. There was no music, there was nothing...Jungkook wasn't even sure if either one of them were breathing, or if they were both holding their breath. Suddenly, Professor Kim made a swift right turn pulling his vehicle into a small alleyway, and shoved his shifter into park, causing Jungkook to jolt forward. Finally, Jungkook heard the professor expel a breath that he had been holding in.

"Do you mind telling me what the fuck that little tantrum was about today at the end of class?", the professor asked. Jungkook just sat there, staring at the brick wall of the abandoned store front they were parked beside of. He saw Professor Kim rub his hands on the tops of his legs, before he ran his long fingers through his soft tousled curls. "Do you even care that Park Bogum was standing right there and witnessed your little fit? Do you even give a shit that he clearly saw your little love note to me? Do you give a fuck about my career...that if Park Bogum gets curious about your little outburst and decides to run his mouth...FUCK JUNGKOOK!!", the professor all but yelled out.

Jungkook still sat there, unmoving. He could feel all of the years of therapy that his parents sent him to in attempt to control his anger and aggressive behaviors, going straight out the window. He was trying to do a breathing exercise to keep himself from exploding on the professor, but with every word that came out of Professor Prick's mouth, he felt himself getting closer to losing his grip. Just breathe Jungkook, one, two, three... he thought to himself.

"Are you even listening to me?", the professor shouted. Fuck it...was the last thought to go through Jungkook's head before he snapped. "Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously Professor Kim...are YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!", Jungkook screamed so loud and hard that he felt the veins in his neck strain. The professor's eyes grew wide, and he just sat there staring and Jungkook with his mouth agape. "Do you give a fuck? Do YOU even give a shit? I honestly don't know what you are expecting here PROFESSOR! You have played with me and completely mind-fucked me for a solid week and then...THEN you all but kidnap me and get me to come to your house, just to play more fucking games with me...and then YOU want to know if I care.", Jungkook barely finished his sentence before breaking into some crazed form of laughter.

The professor just sat there and watched the ravenette come undone and seemingly lose his mind right in the front seat of his car. "What did you fucking expect?", Jungkook mumbled through his teeth. "You are lucky that I didn't march my tight ass straight into the dean's office the second my feet entered the building this morning and tell him how pretty you looked with my dick in your mouth.", Jungkook said very matter of fact, while looking Taehyung dead in the eyes.

Taehyung knew that he was right, he should be glad that the younger hadn't told his superior what had transpired between the two of them over the weekend. Even though Jungkook was of age, he was still his student, and student/teacher romances were a huge no-no at any institution, especially a high school. Taehyung rubbed his face with his hands, before looking at the gorgeous and extremely pissed off boy sitting in his passenger seat. "You're right Jungkook.", he said. "You're right...I just panicked today when you acted the way that you did, and the fact that Bogum was standing right there...I just...panicked.", Professor Kim softly said.

"If you are finished lecturing me...", Jungkook mumbled as he opened the door to the professor's car and climbed out before slamming the door and walking back towards the school. Kim Taehyung just sat there watching as the ravenette sauntered off and disappeared out of the alley. This was bad. He knew that the boy was upset, but he didn't know Jungkook was this upset. Now what was he going to do? He would have to constantly worry if the kid would go to the dean or if Park Bogum would start asking questions about the cause of Jungkook's little outburst in class.

Shit...he thought. But perhaps the thing that bothered him the most wasn't the fact that he could possibly be fired, but what bugged him more than he cared to admit, was the look on the beautiful boy's face as he sat there having his little breakdown. The way the boy's brow furrowed and the deep crease that formed between his deep onyx eyes looked so sexy and yet, so upsetting at the same time.

Taehyung remembers the last time he saw that crease between the boy's eyes...he felt his dick twitch at the memory. The last time Jungkook had a furrowed brow, he was coming undone in Taehyung's mouth. was one of the most beautiful things that Taehyung had ever seen. But that furrow was there not from pleasure, but from anger...disappointment...maybe even hurt. Fuck!!! FUCK...FUCK...FUCK!!!, Taehyung yelled out at his palms collided with his steering wheel. 

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