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                                                                                       Min Yoongi

                                                                                       Min Yoongi

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Jimin watched as his best friend lay motionless across his bed. Unsure of what to do to cheer the ravenette up, Jimin called on his older brother for some ideas. 

Jimin's brother Namjoon was always up on the goings on of Busan and had quite the social life. If anyone could figure out something to do that would pull his bestie out of this funk, it would definitely be Joonie. 

Walking into his brothers' room, Jimin heard the older before he ever spotted him. Namjoon was already gearing up for the weekend sashaying around his walk-in closet, picking out his outfit for the night. 

"Joonie", Jimin said, causing his brother to jump and curse under his breath. 

"Dammit Jimin, you scared the shit out of me. Don't sneak up on people like that!", Namjoon said as he continued to plunder through his vast assortment of shirts. 

"Sorry Joon. I just have no idea what to do for Jungkook. He is like...depressed or something and I need some ideas to get him out of this funk. Do you have any suggestions or know of anything fun going on this weekend that we could do?". 

The older stood there shirtless, in his skinny jeans with a perplexed look on his face, before saying, "Well, there is a new club that is opening up tonight. It is supposed to be lit. Maybe you guys could go to the opening.". 

"Oh hyung...really!!! That would be awesome. Thanks for offering to take us, I kn— ". 

"Hold on right there Jimin...I never offered shit. I merely told you that you guys could check it out. There is no way in hell I'm going to a club opening with my kid brother tagging along. If you and Kook go, you are going on your own. Understand!", Namjoon protested.

Disappointed, Jimin just shrugged his shoulders and walked back to his room. He already knew that there was no point in arguing with his brother. When Namjoon made up his mind on something, he never changed it. 

Oh least the boys had something to do now that would no doubt make Jungkook forget about the week he had with Professor Prick and allow him to let loose and have some fun. Who knows, there may even be some guys there that they can hit on. 

Jimin walked back into his bedroom ready to tell the ravenette his great news. But when Jimin opened the bedroom door, there, sitting on the bed and staring at the wall like a zombie, Jungkook mumbled, "Park fucking Bo-gum what the hell?".

"I know...I know.", Jimin said. "But right now, we aren't going to talk about Bunghole Bo-gum...or Professor Perfect Ass. Right now, we are going to walk into that closet, find some hot ass outfits and go to the opening of this new club in the city that Joonie just told me about.". 

Super proud of himself, Jimin just stood there with a shit eating grin on his face waiting for his friend's response to his amazing suggestion, but instead, Jungkook just looked at him with his giant doe eyes and blinked a few times, with his mouth agape. 

"What?", Jimin said, looking at his friend who seemed to malfunction. 

"Jimin, have you lost your damn mind? How do you suppose that we are going to get into a club? We aren't twenty yet!". 

Shit!! Jungkook was right. How the hell did he miss that very important detail? "Hmmmmmm, hold on a minute and let me think.", Jimin said through a very exaggerated sigh as if he didn't already know exactly what he was going to suggest, but knew his friend would give him serious shit the second he suggested it.

Impatiently waiting on Jimin to find his idea and falling back onto the bed, Jungkook stared up at the ceiling and replayed the whole banana milk fiasco in his head for the thousandth time today. Just as he was getting ready to tell Jimin to just forget the whole thing, he was going home; Jimin shouted, "YOONGI!!!!!", and caused Jungkook's heart to damn near stop. 

" in Min in the guy you used to fool around in the guy who was completely in love with you over the summer? That Yoongi?", Jungkook said with a suspicious tone.

Min Yoongi was an older boy that Jimin and Jungkook met over the summer while they were enjoying a day at the beach during break. On that hot day in June, the two boys were throwing a frisbee, in their brightly colored swim shorts, living their best beach boy life, when all the sudden Jimin let the frisbee hit him straight in the face. 

Completely unfazed by the split lip he just received, Jimin just stood there motionless, intently watching something behind Jungkook. When JK turned around to see what had turned his best friend into a vegetable, he spotted the strangest thing. 

There, sitting on the beach was a guy with jet black hair, ghostly white skin, decked out from head to toe in black, with a cigarette hanging off the edge of his lips, strumming a guitar. He looked like one of those "find what doesn't belong" brain games you used to play as a kid. 

Jungkook turned back around to check on his friend and found the beautiful boy in a complete trance-like state, and from the moment Jimin walked over and started a conversation with the feline looking boy, he was addicted. 

They were both addicted to one another. Matter of fact, Yoongi ended up spending the majority of the summer with them and every time Jungkook turned around, the two boys would have their tongues shoved down each other's throats.

"Yes, that Yoongi.", Jimin replied with a very annoyed tone and an overly extravagant eye roll. 

"He knows all of the club owners and I am sure he could get us in.". Jungkook just continued to stare at his best friend who just two months earlier had promised to stop seeing the elder boy due to their extremely unhealthy relationship. 

When the word addiction was used, it was not used lightly. Those two were seriously addicted to one another and it was getting to the point that it was fucking up both of their lives. But seeing Jimin nervously biting on his nail, waiting for Jungkook's response, he knew that his friend secretly wanted to see the cat boy and therefore, he said, "Sure Yoongi.". 

Jimin literally squealed and jumped on top of Jungkook knocking him backwards on the bed where Jimin showered his face with kisses and excited whispers of thanks. Jungkook knew that his bestie wanted to see Yoongi and now, maybe they would both end up getting what they wanted tonight. Jimin his E-boy fix and Jungkook, a much-needed distraction from Mr. Perfect Professor himself. 

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