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Taehyung heard him before he ever saw him. Sighing and rubbing his hand down his face, Tae was not in the mood to deal with this shit. And as much as he didn't want to be sitting in a jail cell right now, he didn't want to see Jin's face more.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung?", a large police officer said as he approached the cell. 

"Yes.", Tae answered. 

"You've made bail. You are free to go.", the officer stated. 

"I don't want to be bailed out by that man. I will just stay here.", Taehyung responded. 

"I don't care what you do when you step outside of my precinct, but right now, that man posted your bail, and have to go.", the officer said very matter of fact.

"Fuck" ...Taehyung mumbled to himself as he stood up and exited the small cell.

Walking down the corridor, Tae could hear Jin yelling at the officers to release his husband, right this second...that he had done nothing wrong. Tae sighed, because he had done all kinds of wrong tonight...and so many other nights before, but none of them had anything to do with Jin.

Spotting Tae walking down the hall, Jin dramatically shouted, "Oh, thank God...they released you Taebear...I called my lawyer...they are going to shut down this shit hole of a prec...", Jin was interrupted when Tae walked past him and said, "Shut-up Jin".

Walking towards the exit, Taehyung could hear Jin hot on his heels, shouting something that Tae had absolutely zero interest in. All the man could think of was Jungkook, and the look on his sad, gorgeous face when they locked eyes as the cops were taking him out of the club.

Tae only hoped that Jungkook read his lips and knew that he was indeed sorry and meant it more than anything.

Tae pulled out his phone and called an uber. "What are you doing Tae?", Jin said as he came up behind the other. Ignoring Jin's question, Tae scheduled his uber pick-up and walked over to sit on the curb to wait. "Taebear...I am taking you home. Cancel your uber.", the elder said.

"Jin, I am not going anywhere with you. Just leave me alone. I am not going with you now...nor ever. Understand that!", Tae said through a frustrated sigh.

"Is this about that kid...Jungkook? Is that what this is all over? Tae are you really going to throw away years with me and what we have because of some kid?", Jin said as he stood in front of Tae.

"You threw us away a long time ago...and that kid...that kid means everything to me...he showed me what it was like to be free, to be open. That kid... he healed the heart that you destroyed when you left me and walked out on our life. You have no idea what I went through during those years...the darkness that I lived in. And that kid...Jungkook...he brought light back into my world. He woke me up...he...he, Bun made me feel love again. Happiness. So...for the last fucking time Jin...leave me...leave us alone.", Tae wearily said through blurry eyes.

Jin just stood there staring at the man that he shared so much with, the man that he couldn't force himself to get over...the man that he was determined to get back.

Shaking his head, Jin whispered as Tae's uber pulled up... "I'm not letting you go Tae. No matter what you say.".

"You never had me.", Tae replied as he opened the door and climbed into his ride.

Tae never looked back at Jin as the uber drove away. He just closed his eyes and pictured the sweet face of his bun. Giant black eyes, that held the whole universe...a cute scrunched up nose...that bunny smile...pouty, perfectly kissable lips...raven hair.

Feeling a tear slide down his cheek, a smile spread across Tae's face. The Professor knew that he felt more than he thought he ever could for the ravenette. He felt something he didn't think he would ever be able to feel again. He felt love. He loved Jungkook. And wrong or right...he wasn't letting him go. Ever! 

Ignoring the time, pulling out his phone, Tae quickly dialed the Jeon residence.

"Hello", a gruff and sleepy voice answered on the third ring.

"Oh...I am so sorry to bother you sir...but this is...umm, this is Jungkook's friend Tae. I left my wallet in Jungkook's car, and I don't have his phone number saved in my is new, and I lost all of my old contacts, so I don't...", 

"1295911997", click...the phone went dead.

"What a dick.", Tae said aloud.

Quickly hanging up and dialing Jungkook's number, Tae was so excited to finally have a way to contact the boy. He couldn't wait to hear Jungkook's sweet tell him that he was sorry...that he wanted to explain the whole Jin tell him that he loved him.

Jungkook's voicemail picked up.

"Bun...listen, I don't want to leave everything that I have to say on a message but...just know that I love you. I love you Jeon Jungkook! I have so much to tell explain...but more than anything else...I love you so much. Thank you for the happiest time of my life. Please call me back.", Tae couldn't help but be overcame with a feeling of dread when he hung up the phone. He hoped that the ravenette would call him sooner than later.

He knew that Jungkook was upset with him...and hehad every right to be, but he needed to explain, to make his bun understand. Tomake everything make everything right between them, so they couldfigure out where to go from figure out how to be together. 

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