The Key

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Jungkook slammed the door to his Mercedes a little too harshly. He could not believe the gumption of Professor Kim. 

What a fucking asshole, JK thought. What was the professor after? Was he actually interested in him or was he just toying with him for the hell of it? What if the professor had come up with a plan of his own...just as he and Jimin had plotted to ruin the professor, what if pretty Professor Kim had decided to devise his own scheme and was going to ruin JK's reputation somehow? the fuck did he get into this mess, he thought as he slammed the car in reverse and drove the two of them back towards the school. 

Once again, Jungkook found himself embarrassed and frustrated beyond belief all thanks to Kim Taehyung. "What a prick!", Jungkook said aloud without knowing.

Kim Taehyung sat in the passenger seat of the youngers sleek, black Mercedes and watched the apparent war that was raging inside of Jungkook's mind. He could see the tendons working tirelessly in the boy's jaw and he could see the gathered crease in between Jungkook's brow. 

Then, he knew that his assumption was correct when he heard the younger mumble, "what a prick.". Professor Kim chuckled in amusement and relished in the fact that he had such an intense affect on the boy. 

He could not wait to make the boy say and do all of the things that he had been fantasizing about over the last week. Damn...thinking about the youngers bare chest and abs that were on full display earlier, made Professor Kim shift in his seat. He had known that the boy had an amazing body just from how his clothes hung off of him, and of course from when he had ran his hands over that magnificent body at the club the previous night, but he hadn't imagined just how perfectly built the boy actually was. 

He was the epitome of perfection. His creamy skin so tightly stretched out over perfectly defined muscles. Thinking of running his tongue over all of the dips, grooves and ridges that adorned the boys body made Taehyung gasp aloud, which earned him a suspicious look from the younger. 

"What?", Jungkook said in a rather irritated tone. 

"How often do you work out?", Professor Kim asked. 

"Wha-, you seriously want to know my workout routine?", the younger bit back. 

"No, I was just curious. Clearly, you are in excellent shape, and I was just curious how often you work out.", the professor replied. 

Jungkook ignored the professors request and just continued to drive. He was annoyed that the professor thought that his body was in excellent shape, but he was even more annoyed that it excited him to know that the professor noticed.

But of course, he would have noticed. He had run his hands all over JK's body the night before and he had just witnessed him standing shirtless in his loft, like some desperate idiot. 

"Ugh", Jungkook thought. When would he quit embarrassing himself with the professor? It had only been a week and so far, and he had already begged to be groped in a public place and stripped shirtless in front of him, standing in his living room. And, as badly as he hated it, JK knew damn well that he would do anything else that the gorgeous professor asked of him. 

How did this happen? How did he go from simply admiring his hot teacher, to plotting against him, to begging for his touch, to being completely humiliated in front of him, to now being a pathetic whore, desperate for his attention? What the fuck!

Jungkook felt a hand on his upper thigh and immediately snapped out of his thoughts. Looking over at the hot professor seated beside him, he licked his lips and said, "What are you doing? Like, what are you trying to do Professor Kim? What do you want?". 

The professor looked at him with this sinister, yet sexy look...a thin smile spreading widely across his flawless face and said, "I want you to drop me off at my car.", and then the professor pointed behind him with his long, exquisite finger. 

Immediately, Jungkook's eyes snapped up looking in his review mirror, realizing that he had been so lost in his thoughts over the professor that he completely missed the school and drove straight passed Professor Kim's SUV.

"What were you thinking about baby boy?", Professor Kim asked? 

"I was thinking that I really fucking hate it when you call me baby boy.", JK snapped back. "I am not a baby, and I am definitely NOT your baby boy, so I would appreciate it if you quit fucking calling me that.". 

This remark caused a deep hum/growl to emit from the professor's throat. JK glanced over at him to gauge his reaction, as he made a U-turn to take the older to his vehicle, and although Jungkook wasn't for sure, he thought that he saw a small smirk form on the professor's lips. 

As JK pulled in the parking lot and parked beside of Professor Kim's car, the professor made a quick circle with his thumb before removing his hand from JK's upper thigh. Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath as the professors thumb barely grazed over the base of his shaft.  Jungkook closed his eyes, shaking his head, hating the way that he immediately missed the warmth of the elders long beautiful fingers.

"Well, thanks for helping me out kid.", Professor Kim said as he jingled his keys in front of Jk and opened the door of the car to climb out. 

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the professor's perfectly plump ass as he crawled out of the seat beside him. The way those jeans seemed to hang off of the professor's hips just right. "Damn", JK thought to himself. Just then, the professor turned around, leaning down as though he was going to say something else to JK, but instead of speaking immediately, he just stared at him for a second with a crooked smile on his face. 

 Licking his lips, the professor said, "See ya Monday baby boy.", and shut the door. 

Once again, Jungkook was left speechless and frustrated with professor perfect walking away from him

"How does this keep happening? Why does this keep fucking happening?", Jungkook all but shouted to himself. And just as he thought that the professor had something against him and wanted to make his life a living hell, something shiny caught the corner of his eye. 

There, sitting in his cup holder, was a set of keys belonging to Professor Kim, and at that moment he realized that the professor wanted something from him alright, but unlike what he originally had thought, it wasn't to make his life a living hell, was something else entirely...something that he was beyond ready to find out.  

And there, sitting in his the teacher parking his high school, he had just discovered the key to unlock that mystery, and he couldn't fucking wait to see what happened next. 

** This was a lot of filler info, but I thought it was important to the story build...Thanks so much for reading this story. Like I said, I am new to all of this Wattpad stuff and I really just enjoy writing. I hope you are enjoying this so far. I have a pretty good idea of where this story is going to go. I hope you stick around to find out! Also, do you guys like when I talk to you at the end of chapters or does that throw you off on reading straight through? I personally don't like it when people do this because I like to just keep my reading fluid. But...if you do...I will keep doing it. :)

Love, Armi

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