Game ON

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"Holy fucking shit Jimin!", Jungkook loudly whispered to his best friend as they huddled next to their lockers at the end of the school day. 

"You will never believe what I did in my honors English class to Mr. Hot Shit Professor Kim.". 

 Jimin looked bewildered because he rarely saw his friend this keyed up, so whatever JK was either fucking awesome or really bad and he didn't really know if he was ready to find out. 

"Chiminchi, did you just hear what I said? I said that you will never fucking believe what happened to me in class today!", Jungkook literally bounced up and down as he waited on his friend to respond. 

"As nervous as I am to ask...I am also dying to know since I rarely see you as excited as me over something. So, tell me Kook, what happened with you and Professor Cake?", Jimin finally replied, causing the biggest maniacal looking bunny smile he's ever seen spread across the face of his bestie.

After what seemed like hours of explaining every detail of what happened during English class to Jimin on their ride home, Jungkook finally ended with, "And I'm going to fuck his world up!". 

Jimin just stared at the boy who was damn near salivating as he panted out the last statement, pulling his car into Jimin's driveway. 

"Okay.", Jimin said blankly staring at his crazed friend. "So, what is your game plan?". 

"I have been thinking all day about this.", Jungkook responded getting out of the car, and he continued with, "I am going to make him so sexually frustrated that he can't see straight. I am going to ruin him and make him wish that he had never stepped a designer foot into Busan High. I don't care how or when I am going to do it...but I am going to make him miserable. I mean, I am going to make him beg me...BEG ME, for a piece of this ass, and then when he does, I am going to reject him and let everyone know all about his advances toward his innocent student.

"But how do you even know that he is gay or into dudes?", Jimin curiously asked as he popped pizza rolls into the microwave. All of this plotting and scheming was making him extremely hungry. 

"Oh...he is gay alright. You should have seen the look on his chiseled face when I dragged my tongue across my bottom lip.", JK laughed remembering how the hot professor tried his very best to look calm and collected but the second he saw Jungkook's slick pink tongue lick his lips, game over...he was busted.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!", Jungkook mumbled out as he stole a pizza roll off of Jimin's plate and popped into his mouth. 

Leaning back on Jimin's couch, the boys just laughed and schemed coming up with the plan on the century that would ensure Jungkook ended his high school career victorious over one certain professor. 

Randomly, Jungkook looked at Jimin and said, "Hey, can I borrow your ripped up black jeans for tomorrow?". 

"Of course, you can.", Jimin replied. "But remember the last time you wore them, you said they were too tight on your dick and you felt like you could see everything you had.

With his black eyes hooded and a smirk smeared across his lips, JK gave Jimin a nod and said, "Yeah, I remember.". 

And to that, Jimin laughed so hard that he fell off the couch and shouted, "GAME ON!!!". 

Jungkook smiled at himself and whispered, "Oh the game is so fucking on!".

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