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*Songs for this chapter that you will want to listen to are listed...and you will WANT to listen when I tell you to. It adds to the experience. 😉

Also...This is Jungkook's b-day outfit. Lord help us all. But remember that he is a raven-head, so...this outfit with 190811 hair. JESUS-H-CHRIST!

The PTD concert body chain look without the top. Just the body chain, pants, boots, and 190811 hair...You're welcome.

*I don't own these pics.

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**SONG: Viol by Gesaffelstein (first few paragraphs)

Jimin heard the screech of the bathroom door open and the click of Jungkook's boots against the hardwood. Suddenly, appearing around the corner, Jungkook did a little spin to show his best friend his look for the night.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!", was all that Jimin could muster when Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom.

To say that the ravenette looked good, would be the biggest understatement of the goddamn century.

Jungkook didn't just look good...Jungkook looked like a fucking God...NO! Scratch that...Jungkook looked like a fucking sex God...NO...a fucking evil sex God straight from the pit of hell itself.

He was the epitome of sin, sex, and confidence. And there was no one on earth who would survive him tonight if they found themselves in his wake.

"Oh my God Kook...I seriously can't even fucking look at you. It honestly hurts my fucking eyes!", Jimin groaned out as he shielded his face.

The raven-haired male chuckled at his friends dramatics but had to agree with him none the less because he did look damn fine if he did say so himself. And for the first time in a while, he felt like his old self again...his old arrogant, conceited self, and he was looking forward to getting into a little bit of trouble tonight.

Yoongi told them that there was going to be some big important VIP at the club they were going to, so they were expecting it to be packed.

Jungkook couldn't wait. He couldn't wait to go drink, dance, and most importantly, forget about Professor Fuckface and remember just who the fuck he was!

He was JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK, and it was high-time that not just him, but the whole damn world fucking remembered!


**Song: Sunday Morning by SNVFF

The line to get into the club was wrapped around the block. The building was spectacular. It was downtown in the middle of the bustling business district, which meant one thing and one thing This place reeked of money.

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