Nightmares and Sweet Dreams

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Jungkook woke up sweating. He was burning up and feeling like he was being suffocated. It didn't take him long to realize that the reason for this was the beautiful tan limbs that were currently tangled up with his own creamy ones, and the mop of fluffy brown hair that was splayed out across his chest. Jungkook smiled to himself as he looked down and admired the way that the professor was wrapped around him. It made Jungkook feel...well, some kind of way.

However, his peaceful feeling was short-lived when he heard a small groan escape from the professors slightly parted lips, and he caught a glimpse of the professor's face scrunching up in what appeared to be pain.

Jungkook laid there motionless, hoping that whatever nightmare the professor was having would soon subside. Jungkook slowly and gently raised his hand up and stroked the professor's head, shushing him and lightly placing a small and tender kiss on the soft hair pressed against his skin.

"It's okay Professor Kim, I've got are safe.", Jungkook whispered out into the darkness.

He didn't know when the shift happened...when his feelings towards the professor went from...FUCK UP HIS for him...keep him safe. It was foreign really. Jungkook had zero intentions of feeling protective over the professor, but the second he saw the professor standing in that parking lot, with tears streaming down his perfect face, something clinched inside of his chest, and he became overwhelmed with the desire to protect Professor Kim at all costs.

He didn't know who that prick was who had the professor so upset, but the fucker better pray that they never cross paths, because the next time, he wouldn't just throw out a threat. No, the next time, he would make sure that asshole never made Professor Kim upset again.

"No...mmmmm...please...", Taehyung softly mumbled in his sleep as he twitched and flailed against Jungkook's body.

Jungkook tightened his grip on the professor, once again telling him that he was okay and safe, and continued running his hand through the professor's soft chestnut hair. To no avail though...because the next thing Jungkook knew, the professor sat straight up in the bed and cried out, "Please don't leave me! Mommy...please don't leave me I'm sorry...I'll be good!", before falling back against the pillow and softly sobbing in his sleep.

Jungkook's heart was clear that Professor Kim was having a nightmare about his mom. Jungkook didn't know anything personal about the professor, but the way that he was weeping and hugging himself, now having rolled his lean body into the fetal position, Jungkook could only guess that it wasn't anything pleasant.

"Professor Kim...shhhhhhhhh.... Professor Kim.... shhhhhhhh.... I've got you...I've got you; you are okay, you are safe.", Jungkook repeated over and over as he quickly scooped the professor up in his arms and cradled him against the warmth of his own body, attempting to comfort him.

Jungkook was beyond shocked when he felt the professor roughly slide his hands up his torso, before hooking his arms around Jungkook's neck, burying his tear-streaked face against Jungkook's bare chest, holding onto him for what seemed like dear life.

Jungkook gingerly rocked the professor back and forth, humming a slow melody to calm him down, placing small and tender kisses against the professor's forehead.

Jungkook was devastated looking down at the normally dominating and cold as ice of a man. Here he laid, beautiful, completely small-looking and broken, in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook felt something wet roll down his own cheek as he gazed upon the professor, and he allowed it...he allowed himself to shed a tear for the man in his arms...for his professor.


"Jungkook.", Taehyung rasped out, discovering that his lips were pressed up against the smooth skin of Jungkook's chest. He had no idea what was going on, but his face was wet and sticky, and he was being held like a baby in the arms of the raven-haired boy, who just a few minutes ago was sound asleep beside of him.

"Shhhhh, it's okay professor...I'm here.", Jungkook said as he tightened his hold on Taehyung.

Suddenly, Taehyung realized that he must've fallen asleep while sitting there staring at the ravenette and thinking back on the last time he had felt this way with someone. Then, Taehyung remember the horrible nightmare that he was having about his mom, and his body shuddered.

Feeling a small and tender kiss against his head, he heard Jungkook whisper, "It's okay Professor Kim, I've got you, you are safe with me, I'm not going anywhere.", and with that one small declaration, something in Taehyung snapped.

Looking up and being met with a deep set of onyx eyes, Taehyung wiggled himself free of Jungkook's hold before straddling the boy and smashing his lips against his own. Taehyung felt overwhelmed with need...need to crawl as far up into Jungkook as he could possibly get and stay there forever, until all he had were sweet dreams. Sweet dreams of a beautiful raven-haired, bunny.

Jungkook grabbed the professor by the side of his face, pressing him closer, pulling on the professor's bottom lip with his teeth, prompting the professor to open his mouth and grant his tongue access to explore his wetness. With a fever and desperation that neither of them has felt before, the kiss turned into all tongue and teeth, with sloppy smacking, sucking and licking sounds filling their ears, and before either of them knew what was going on, they were both stripped completely naked with Jungkook a moaning mess under Taehyung.

Taehyung couldn't get enough of Jungkook. There were no words, only heavy breathing, low growls, and moans. Their teeth and tongues clashing and their bodies slapping against one another, desperate for contact...desperate for whatever it was that they both knew could only come from the other.

Taehyung was gripping onto Jungkook's hips so tightly, he could feel the boys creamy skin tearing beneath his fingernails, as he frantically slammed into him. Taehyung fucked Jungkook as though it was the only thing that could sustain his life at the moment, and Jungkook held on tightly, allowing him to, as though Jungkook himself was searching for something to remind him that he was alive.

It was quick, hard, and undoubtedly the most intense sex that either of them had ever experienced. It wasn't just sex was raw...uncensored...unexpected...real...despairing, emotional. It was everything that they both needed to make them understand that this wasn't just some game or some fling...this was definitely something more than either of them was expecting it to be, and whether they liked it or was happening, and they both needed it.

***Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I forgot that the VMA's was update today! What did you guys think about the VMA's? Were you as annoyed as I was that they boys didn't win best song or best choreo? Once again, they were robbed. story is getting ready to go crazy...I hope you all are enjoying it and stay with me til the end. Don't forget my goal of 2k by the end of the month. Please hit the star...and share!!! I also love when you comment. Tell me what you are feeling...thinking. Love you all!! Stay healthy!

Peace & Love,


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