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"Mmmh...ngh...don't stop professor...uh...feels so good.", Jungkook moaned into the pillow as Taehyung thrust into him, vulgar squelching noises filling the room.

"Yeah love that don't you?", the professor whispered out, between placing tender kisses down the boys smooth back, as he slowly worked himself in and out of Jungkook's tight hole. 

 There was something different about this time compared to the first time that they had fucked. This time, for Taehyung, wasn't about control...for once, it wasn't about the need to dominate or the need for a quick release. This time, Taehyung was taking his time, savoring every delectable inch of Jungkook, paying attention to every detail of the boy, and not just his insanely sexy body, but paying attention to every response and reaction he had when Taehyung would do something that he liked. 

 And the thing that set this time apart from the last time, as well as all of the other fucks that came before this fuck was...Taehyung was enjoying it, like really, really enjoying it.

Not only was Taehyung enjoying it, but he found himself wanting Jungkook to enjoy it more and more, and this was all new to the young professor, because for the last several years, he had used sex as a weapon and an extremely unhealthy coping mechanism. So, he hadn't found pleasure in the whole experience since...well, since he was with Jin. 

 But sex with Jungkook...that was proving to be a whole new experience...a whole new level of pleasure, and Taehyung for once, was completely losing himself in the feeling of pure euphoria.

"God feel so fucking amazing.", Taehyung moaned in the boys ear as he pulled Jungkook's body flush with his own, pressing Jungkook's strong back against his chest.

Fuck, Jungkook thought...he loved the way his name rolled off of the professor's tongue, especially when the good professor was moaning it out. 

 Reaching up behind him, Jungkook hooked his arm around the back of the professor's neck as he pushed his tight ass back, grinding down on the professor's big dick. As Jungkook held on to the professor, Taehyung sucked and bit on the boys neck and shoulder, marking him for everyone to see...for everyone to understand that he is off limits, that he is taken. Just thinking of Jungkook becoming or being his, proved to almost be Tae's undoing. 

"Fucking hell, are perfect!", Taehyung said as he pressed his forehead against the back of Jungkook's hair. 

Increasing his pace, he thrust harder and faster into the ravenette, reaching his hand around to grip Jungkook's leaking cock. Stroking him, Taehyung growled against his neck... " one else can touch you like this!". 

As he licked the boys ear, he heard a quiet, "Mmmmkay". 

Upon hearing the professors words and feeling his slick tongue lick a strip up the side of his ear, while being pounded relentlessly, Jungkook sucked in a breath and moaned out, sensing the sweet familiar heat pooling low in his belly, and knowing that his release was coming soon.

"No Mmmmkay...tell me...tell me baby that no one else can touch you!", Taehyung said sternly, increasing the pressure as he squeezed Jungkook's length, causing the boy to gasp.

" one else...c...can touch me but you Professor Kim. O...only you...only you can touch me.", the ravenette groaned out through shallow breaths and moans.

"Yeah baby...just me...tell me bunny, who can fuck you? Tell me now baby...who gets to fuck you?", Taehyung all but shouted as he increased his speed, slamming himself into Jungkook at an animalistic pace, and now stroking the boy with hard and rapid pumps.

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