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Jungkook woke up to an odd beeping sound. Rolling over, he immediately realized that he was not in his bed, and that he was also...not alone. "Mmmmmm...good morning bun.", a groggy voice came from behind him, as a warm arm snaked its way around his small waist.

"I am so glad you decided to stay last night, but we better get up and get ready for school.", the raspy voice whispered out between soft kisses now being placed on Jungkook's his ear.

Am I fucking dreaming? Jungkook thought to himself, as he lay frozen in place, afraid that if he moved, he would wake up.

"Jungkook...are you awake? (kiss) bunny...I you need to get up (kiss)...you still have to drop me by the bar to pick up my car before school...(kiss) We are going to be late...(kiss) you will get a tardy.", the sweet voice continued as well as the kisses.

Jungkook groaned as he was involuntarily rolled over by a set of large hands gripping his shoulders and rolling him on to his back, where he was met with large amber eyes, a very sexy head of unruly hair and a large boxy smile that literally melted him on sight. "Morning Professor.", Jungkook said in a low growl.

"Mmmmmm...morning Jungkook.", Taehyung said as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the raven-haired boys. "We need to work on how you address me when we aren't in the classroom.", the elder of the two said as he continued lazily kissing Jungkook's lips.

"What would you like me to call you professor?", Jungkook said through a smile that was pressed against his professors soft lips.

"You can just call me Taehyung when we aren't in school.", the professor replied back.

"But what if I like calling you pro-fess-or?", Jungkook said with a smirk on his face, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Mmmmmm baby...you can call me Professor anytime you want to...you little sexy demon!", Taehyung said as he felt the younger press his groin up against his own. "And as much as I would love to hear you moaning it out right now...we need to get out of this bed before we are both tardy for school.", he continued, earning a frustrated sigh from the ravenette.

Tae crawled off of the boy but not before capturing his lips once more. "You can shower and then grab some clothes out of my closet. I think there are some things in there that you can wear.", he said as he walked into the bathroom.

Jungkook ran his hand down his face and let out a deep sigh as he heard the shower turn on. He was so confused and yet completely happy in this moment. Everything that happened at the club yesterday and then when he brought the professor back home was swimming around in his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate on anything else, and figure out what he was feeling. He had no idea how he was supposed to just go to school and pretend like he wasn't possibly now in some kind of relationship or whatever the fuck they talked about last night with his professor.

Fuck...Jungkook grumbled out as he sat up on the side of the bed...whimpering from the ache in his lower back and ass.

Making his way to the bathroom, he hesitated and started to knock before going in...he could still hear the shower running and he didn't want to be weird...but then again, he wanted to sneak a peek of Professor Kim...and...the professor did say that he could shower here.

An evil smirk smeared itself across the boys face as he pushed open the bathroom door and saw the professor bent forward with his hands on the wall, letting the water cascade over and down his tan back.

Jungkook just stood there and stared for what felt like an hour. The professor...all wet...and tan...and wet. Jungkook could feel his length getting hard as he continued to watch the gorgeous professor rub his long fingers across the expanse of his broad chest and up around his neck. Watching the hypnotizing way, the water ran in the crevasses and ridges along the toned body of his professor made Jungkook's throat go dry, and his dick go hard.

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