Back to the Plan

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Jungkook realized that he didn't remember driving home. He was so worked up and pissed off over Professor Prick, that he spaced out the entire way from the school to here. Stupid dick head could've caused me to wreck, Jungkook thought to himself. Dragging his body through the house and to his bedroom, Jungkook kept replaying the events that unfolded today in his mind. Specifically, the ones that took place in the professors SUV. What the hell was he even thinking going with the professor anyway? Has he not learned his lesson already? "Fuck are you so damn stupid?", he said to himself as he stripped off his uniform shirt and laid down across his bed.

Just as he closed his eyes to replay the scene for the millionth time, his phone chimed. It was Jimin.

Chiminchi: Hey...U Good?

Chiminchi: Wanna make sure you are alive

Chiminchi: Kook!! Answer me

Jungkook knew it was childish, but he didn't reply to his best friend. Instead, he held in the button and powered his phone off. He mentally couldn't take anymore questioning and yelling from anyone else, and as much as he loved Jimin, he felt like Jimin should have been there from the beginning...then he could have helped Jungkook process everything in some rational way...not writing "FUCK YOU" on an assignment, before slamming it down in front of another student. Especially when that student was Park Fucking Bogum.

GAAAAAHHHHH.... Jungkook moaned out as he slammed his face into his pillow. Why the fuck was this his life? Why the fuck did Professor Kim Taehyung have to get a position at his his class? And why the fuck did the professor have to be so fucking hot!? WHY!!! Jungkook couldn't get his mind to calm down. No matter what he tried in order to get himself to stop picturing the professor on his knees in front of him, lips parted...taking him balls deep into his pretty mouth; Jungkook failed. It was useless...he was doomed to be tormented by fucking Professor Kim for the rest of the school year... and possibly the rest of his life.

Suddenly, his bedroom door burst open, causing him to damn near jump off of his bed and through the wall. "What the fuck Jimin!", Jungkook yelled at his best friend as the tiny boy bolted through the door and into his bedroom. "Oh no!, Jeon Jungkook! Don't you "what the fuck" me!", Jimin said with one hand on his hip and the other waving around frantically in front of his face in the most dramatic fashion. "Jimin...I told you that I am not in the mood!", Jungkook spit out between his gritted teeth. "And I don't give a good God damn what you are and are not in the mood for!", Jimin spit back at him.

"You are going to tell me right this instant, what the hell that was all about this afternoon with Professor Pretty Prick. And you are going to tell me EVERYTHING!", Jimin insisted. Letting out a huge sigh and sitting back down on his bed, Jungkook looked up at his relentless friend before patting the bed, signaling for the blonde boy to sit down.

What seemed like an eternity later, Jimin sat there staring at Jungkook in complete disbelief. He could not believe what his best friend had just told him. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask, but he couldn't manage to get his words to form sentences. This was a first as he was not usually one to be at a loss for words...ever.

"Holy Shit!", that was it...out of all of the things Jimin wanted to ask...holy shit was all he could manage to get out of his mouth. Jungkook just sat there with his head down picking at his fingers. Shaking his head again in total shock, Jimin just scooted closer to his friend and wrapped his arms around him. "I am sorry Kook. I should've been here for you. Please forgive me.", Jimin whispered as he squeezed Jungkook tighter.

"Of course, know I forgive you, but if you ever fucking choose Yoongie dick over me again...I swear to God...", Jimin didn't even let him finish before he pulled the raven-haired boy down to the mattress and started tickling him and places little thankful kisses all over his head and face. Jimin knew that Jungkook wouldn't stay mad at him, but he still felt bad about abandoning his friend when he was going through this crazy shit with the professor.

Sitting up, with a determined and crazy look in his eyes, Jimin said, "Now, what exactly are we going to do to fuck up the Good Professor once and for all?". Jungkook took a deep breath and sighed. He hadn't thought about anything beyond what happened over the last couple of hours, but Jimin was right. Fuck Professor Kim...and fuck his career. Professor Kim was right...Jungkook didn't give a fuck! And why should he? The professor hasn't shown him anything other than humiliation and a hard time.

Time to get back to the original plan of screwing the professor over. Time to get back to making Professor Prick sorry that he ever stepped a designer shoe into Busan High. Time to show him exactly who Jeon Jungkook is and why people don't fuck with him.

"Oh Chiminchi...", Jungkook smiled. "Don't worry, don't you worry your pretty face one little bit, because the good Professor Kim Taehyung, is about to understand exactly why fucking with me was the biggest mistake he's ever made.".

Upon hearing this, Jimin eagerly sat up on his heels, waiting for Jungkook to spill the details. And although the details never came, Jimin knew from the maniacal look on his best friend's face, that the professor was about to have his whole world turned upside down, and he couldn't wait to watch it.

**sorry, that was a shit chapter, but I had to have some kind of filler to tie the last and the next chapters together. Don't forget to hit the vote button! 

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