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Jin made his way to his car...all the while completely confused and baffled by the nights events. He had no idea that he would see Taehyung at the club when he agreed to meet a colleague there for drinks. But upon seeing him, all of the emotions and memories that he had suppressed for the last three years slammed into him like a wall.

Taehyung...his Taebear...there he was, as gorgeous as ever. And although Tae was still strikingly beautiful, Jin must admit, the breathtaking man looked a lot edgier than the last time he saw him...more experienced and... something, that Jin just couldn't put his finger on. He knew that Tae was shocked when he saw him, hell...he is lucky that Tae hadn't turned around and knocked him out, after the way that he had left him. He wouldn't have held it against him if he would have. Mmmmm...holding against him, Jin thought as he rested his head against the driver's seat, closing his eyes and swallowing a deep breath...oh how he wanted to grab Tae and hold him the instant that he saw him.

Not a day has gone by that he hadn't missed Tae and his fluffy hair, and his boxy smile, and his deep velvety voice, and the way he tries to hide his face when he laughs because he gets shy, and his amazing smell that reminds you of lavender fields and vanilla. Tae was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and the moment he laid eyes on him all of those years ago, in his statistics class...he knew that he wanted the stunning boy in his life forever.

But fuck if his bastard of a father didn't have other plans. The son of one of the wealthiest men in Korea, couldn't be gay...and his father saw to that, the night that he threatened Taehyungs life and forced him to leave the country and marry the daughter of one of his American business partners.

Jin couldn't imagine what must've gone through Tae's mind the morning that he discovered his absence. The morning after they exchanged their vows and promised to love one another honestly and forever. The morning after they spent the entire night making love to one another and talking about the amazing future that awaited them both. Together, there was nothing that they couldn't accomplish, couldn't overcome. But like a coward, Jin snuck away in the middle of the night, kissing the love of his life goodbye, as he laid there in their bed peacefully sleeping, looking like the angel that he truly was.

Jin hated himself for what he did to Tae, especially after everything the boy had been through growing up the way that he did. He had fought so hard to be a good person and overcome his demons that plagued him after years of abuse. And he had done it...after years of therapy and intense soul-searching, he had trusted Jin to love him forever, he opened up to him and fell completely head over heels in love...only to be abandoned once again by the very person who promised to always be by his side. Jin would never forgive himself.

Even though after a couple of years and the birth of his daughter, Jin found himself feeling less guilty and actually enjoying his life in America, there were times when he was alone in his study, and Taehyung's boxy smile would flash through his memory, and he would find himself missing the boy. Ho-seok had kept Jin updated on Tae for a while, but eventually, he stopped, claiming that it was unhealthy for Jin to keep this obsession with Tae, and encouraged him to move on and focus on his new life, and his new family.

So, that is exactly what he did for a solid year...until he found himself standing in a night club in Busan, waiting for his friend to come back from the bar with drinks, when he spotted the very same boy who stole his breath away and captured his heart in his statistics class, looking completely frustrated and panicked running out of the club.

He didn't know what to do. He just stood there frozen watching the man that he pledged to spend the rest of his life with run right past him. He thought that he had lost his chance to speak with him when about ten minutes later, he saw Tae walk back into the club, seemingly searching for someone and against his better judgment, he knew that he had to talk to him...see him...and maybe, just maybe, if Taehyung would allow it...hold him.

He should have known better though. The look of pure disgust and hurt that marred Tae's perfect face was enough to shatter even the strongest of men. And speaking of strong men...jogging Jin's memory, he thought, who the hell was that boy who scooped Tae up and threatened him if he came near Tae? Jin didn't know where the boy had come from, or how he knew Taehyung, but the boy was clearly enraged at the state that he saw Tae in.

Jin will never forget the look of fury yet panic that radiated from those pitch black eyes as they fell upon Tae's limp body, and then again, when they pierced straight through him, as the boy picked up Tae and yelled at him to stay the fuck away. The look was so intense, Jin felt himself stumble backward.

Whoever this boy was...he needed to mind his own business, and whoever this boy was...he needed to stay the hell away from his Tae.

Jin pondered on the nights events his entire drive home; again, as he got ready for bed, and again, as he laid down to sleep. He knew that he would see Taehyung at the school, sense he was the new dean and Tae was a professor there, so until then, he would just have to devise a plan to explain himself to Taehyung and hopefully, with any luck, be granted permission to come back into his life.  

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