Devil on My Shoulder

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Professor Kim is ten minutes into his second class of the day when the same bullshit erupts, consisting of the students playing twenty-questions regarding his personal life. 

Question after question, he attempts to get everyone back on track, focusing on the important things such as the syllabus and the overall goals for each student set by the district, school and himself for the year. 

And just when he feels as though he is going to lose his shit and storm out, a familiar deep voice asks, "So ummmm... are you straight or gay?". 

Immediately and without any problem, Professor Kim finds the smart ass attached to the familiar voice, and to his surprise, it is none other than the ravenette who so suddenly startled him earlier today.

Looking at the student, who was sitting there with his head kind of down in attempt to not make eye contact with the professor, Kim Taehyung became exceedingly curious. Curious as to why his sexual orientation was suddenly so important to this clearly confused e-boy/jock. 

"I'm sorry kid, I didn't catch your name.", the professor said in a low but assertive voice. Trying to figure out if this kid was one of those class clown types who like to push the envelope, or if he was just an idiot. 

Pissed off at the fact that the professor addressed him as a fucking kid in front of the whole class, Jungkook jutted out his chin and while looking directly into Professor Kim's eyes, the bold boy said with his tone laced with sarcasm and venom, "Jeon Jungkook oppa."

Everyone in the class gasp at the fact that the younger called the professor oppa. Who in the hell did this kid think he was referring to the professor in such an informal and completely inappropriate manner? 

Now Professor Kim was really flustered, and he definitely decided that this kid was irrefutably a smart ass-class clown type. If he thought the first class was bad...he now has this cocky, mysterious kid who for some odd reason is disrespecting and seemingly trying to embarrass him in front of his entire class. 

Pissed off and with a tone that would set the devil straight, Professor Kim threateningly said, "Well Mr. Jeon...I don't believe that has anything to do with honors English, I also don't believe that my sexual orientation is any of your business and I am most definitely not your oppa. So now, if you would like to quit wasting my time, I would like to do what they actually pay me to do and teach my class and if you don't like those answers, you can get out!". 

Everyone was dead silent as they watched the raven-haired boy drop his head and slump down in his seat after unconsciously sticking his tongue in the side of his cheek out of annoyance and rolling his eyes towards the professor. 

Jungkook was usually allowed to get away with off the wall comments at school by other teachers, but not this time. You could have literally heard a pin drop in the classroom, but instead, all you could hear were Professor Kim's shiny designer shoes victoriously walking back towards the blackboard.

Thankfully, the rest of the class was uneventful and seem to go on as planned without any more interruptions or ridiculous questions from bad-mannered students. Professor Kim was still annoyed that the first two classes of his first year of teaching had started off so rocky. 

 Were high school students always this rude or is this something new? He couldn't imagine talking to an elder professor the way that he was so freely talked to today by his students. Did they just not have any shame or was it simply a lack of reform in the home that made them so carefree and disrespectful? 

As the last of the students made their way out of the classroom, he noticed a very slow moving ravenette, who was packing up his bag. "Fuck", Taehyung muttered under his breath, knowing damn well that it didn't take anyone as long as it was taking this asshole to pack up a pencil and a notebook. Jungkook must have an ulterior motive the professor thought as he braced himself waiting for the student to say something stupid once they were alone.

As the younger boy made his way to the front of the classroom, he made direct eye contact with the professor. And by direct eye contact, I mean like...directly into the gates of your soul eye contact. 

The kind of eye contact that silently screams, FUCK YOU DICK HEAD, I AM NOT INTIMIDATED BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE! 

Professor Kim found himself uncomfortably shift in his seat, unable to break away from the youngers icy black gaze. Was this kid getting ready to cuss him out or throw hands? He honestly didn't know, but the feeling he had settling in the pit of his stomach was one of uneasiness, discomfort and pure amusement and it was all he could do to keep a smile from spreading across his face.

Jungkook knew damn well what he was doing as he approached the professor. He watched as Professor Kim shifted uneasily in his desk chair, folding and unfolding his long fingers. But the professor was confident and didn't dare break eye contact with him no matter how uncomfortable he might be, which the younger found interesting and admitted to himself, completely fucking hot. 

After being so harshly embarrassed in front of his peers, Jungkook decided that it was now his life's mission, to make Mr. Pretty Prick Professor's first year of teaching, a living hell, and what better way to end his high school career than that of an idol? 

He and Jimin were already basically idols but surely, if he can break the beautiful new professor, his peers will find him powerful and celebrate him and his bad assery even more than they already do. 

As he approached the professor's desk, he thought to himself, Here goes nothing, and he licked his cherry lips before saying, "Well, oppa...too bad you didn't want to answer my question, I was really looking forward to your answer.", and as soon as the last word left his lips, he gave the professor a sly wink and walked out the door.

Sitting in complete and utter shock, the professor just stared as the boy winked at him and walked off. 

"What the actual fuck was that?", he said to himself. "Did this brat just really come on to me?"

Completely flabbergasted, leaning back in his chair, he ran his long fingers through his hair and replayed the whole thing over again in slow motion to make sure that he wasn't imagining things and that the boy was indeed purposely trying to flirt with him. 

Okay, he thought...let's play this out. First, he saw Jungkook sling his large black backpack over his shoulder. Then, pushing his slightly long and wavy raven hair back from his face, the boy slowly turned around to stare directly into his eyes, while deliberately towards him. 

Taehyung could hear the heavy clunk of the boy's black combat style boots as they smacked against the tile floor, making their way to the front of the room, and the sound weirdly seemed to fall in rhythm with Taehyung's own heartbeat. And right as the younger approached the front of his desk, he ran one of his long-inked fingers over the top of the professor's stapler and with loads of audacity, he seductively licked his tongue across his deep pink lips before calling me Oppa and saying that he was looking forward to knowing if I was straight or not. 

AND... if it couldn't get worse, then the little fucker winked at me before sauntering off into the hall.

"What the actual fuck!", Professor Kim said once again, as if the first time just wasn't enough to make his brain process what just happened. And as troubling... and it was in fact troubling, as all of this was, the thing that perhaps troubled the professor the most wasn't the disrespect the younger boy showed towards him and his position within the school, but the way his own dick twitched the second Jungkook licked his cherry red lips. 

And just as the professor desperately tried to shake away the thoughts of wanting to bend Jungkook over his desk and teach the rude boy a lesson on manners, the devil on his shoulder said, "This is going to be fun!".  

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