My Lucky Day

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Kim Taehyung fumbled around in his desk before his hand landed on the cold plastic. "Ah HA, found you!", he said gripping the base to his phone charger. 

He must've been so preoccupied with Jungkook and his banana milk on Friday that he ran off and forgot the charger for his phone. He hated to come all the way back to the school on the weekend, but unfortunately, he was a slave to the screen and that was the only charger that he had. 

Closing the drawer to his desk, something caught his eye. There in the trashcan, was a completely full carton of banana milk. Taehyung found this hilarious. He remembered how flustered the Ravenette was before he walked out of the classroom leaving the student holding the same carton of banana milk that now lay in the trash. 

"Humph", the professor sighed out before leaving his classroom and making his way back out to his SUV. Just as he was walking to his vehicle, he saw a familiar black Mercedes drive by and pull into the parking lot of the coffee shop that sat right off campus. 

"This must be my lucky day!", the professor said to himself with a smile on his lips. Tossing his charger in his car, he locked the door and made his way across the street to the café.

Sending Jimin a quick text before getting out of his car, Jungkook was completely unaware of the man approaching the side of his door. The second he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door; his eyes almost fell out of his head...standing there at his door was non other than Professor Kim. 

Jungkook didn't know what to do so he shut the door back and just sat there on the opposite side of the glass, staring at the professor. Fuck...he looked amazing, Jungkook thought. There the professor stood with his hair all disheveled and fluffy looking. Wearing a pair of low-slung, loose fitted jeans and a cream-colored sweater. 

Jungkook thought that the modeling industry should be very thankful that Kim Taehyung had chosen a career in education, because no model would stand a chance against him. He was gorgeous. 

Suddenly, a tapping sound snapped Jungkook out of his daydream and he realized that it was coming from the other side of his car. Looking over to the passenger side, there was Professor Kim, tapping on the glass. 

"Unlock the door!", the professor said. 

 Gulping and against his own will, as if possessed, Jungkook unlocked the door and Professor Kim crawled in, sank down in the passenger seat and said, "drive!".

Completely stunned, Jungkook stuttered out..." wha...what? I... I can't, I have to go home, my mom just called me and said I needed to come home now". 

A devious smile smeared across the professor's lips before he growled out, "I believe you heard me baby boy...I said fucking drive!". 

With his heart racing in his chest, Jungkook knew that the professor hadn't fallen for his lies as easily as Jimin's mom had, so he put the Mercedes in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. 

 "Where are we going?", Jungkook said in an unsure and unsteady voice. 

 "Don't worry about it princess, I will tell you when to turn and where to go. Just be a good boy and do what I say...okay!", Taehyung said to the younger. 

Feeling heat rise in his cheeks, Jungkook whispered out, "Okay.". 

"That's my good boy.", the professor purred and then with a smile on his lips and a plan in his head, he slid his long fingers across Jungkook's thigh and rested his hand right below JK's dick.

Jungkook couldn't hear anything but the pounding of his own heart in his ears. He was pretty sure this wouldn't constitute as an abduction or kidnapping, considering he had let the professor in his car on his own and he wasn't held at gunpoint or anything. 

Even though Jungkook felt the danger that the professor had been radiating was just as lethal as that of a gun toting car-jacking thug. Maybe worse than that. Besides...who knew what was going to happen after the way things ended at the club. 

Jungkook barely heard the professor giving him directions to their mystery location, but he complied like the good boy the professor told him to be and after about twenty-minutes, the professor told him to stop. 

Looking up, Jungkook saw an impressive industrial looking building. And if it hadn't looked completely re-done, Jungkook would have thought for certain that the professor was going to take him in there and slaughter him. 

"Ummmm, we are going here? What is this place?", Jungkook asked. 

 "Aww are you curious baby boy? Are you scared I am going to do something bad to you?", Professor Kim said with a sarcastic tone. 

"I'm not scared of you.", Jungkook said (more lies). 

The professor looked him over and licked his lips before sliding next to Jungkook's ear and saying, "Maybe you should be baby. And trust me, I won't do bad things to you, until you beg me to.". 

Remembering the way, the professor made him beg him to touch him in the club, made his dick ache. He didn't know why, but the idea of the professor doing bad things to him made him so hot and bothered. 

Jungkook had never felt that way before and it was confusing as fuck. 

"Come on baby boy.", Professor Kim said as he opened the door and climbed out of JK's Mercedes. 

Now was Jungkook's chance, he could just lock the doors and pull out, leaving the professor standing there. 

He could drive away and never look back. He could leave and go find Jimin or go back home. He could...he could...but he wouldn't...he didn't. And even though Jungkook had never done drugs, he imagined that this is what it must feel like when you were in a state of Euphoria. 

And just like that, he took off his seatbelt, opened the door and realized that just like Jimin, he was addicted. 

He was addicted to the crazy high he felt when the professor was toying with him. And even though this was completely out of his comfort zone and against everything he said at the beginning of the week, he was in desperate need for a fix, and he didn't care what he had to do to get it. 

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