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Days went by, slowly turning into weeks. Tae had barely seen the outside of his apartment. His now very lonely and empty home that was supposed to be filled with laughter, dinners, and the noises that could only come from a happily married couple, who were madly in love with one another. But all there was within these sad walls, was silence...and the occasional sob that escaped from Tae's lips.

He had lost track of the days...shutting himself up in his room after Jin never came back home...after Jin ignored his phone calls and after he himself found out from seeing a news headline that Busan's most eligible bachelor Kim Seokjin had moved to the United States and had married the daughter of a very successful businessman.

What the headlines didn't include however, was the ceremony that had already taken place weeks earlier, where Jin had already married the love of his life...a man, by the name of Taehyung. After reading that article, Tae new that his world was over. He couldn't believe that he had experienced the happiest and worst day of his entire life in the span of twenty-four hours, and his happiness was now across the world, married to someone else.

Hobi had came by the apartment every day after the article came out to check on Tae, but the heartbroken boy never answered for fear of completely shattering upon seeing their friend...the one who performed their commitment ceremony...the one who supported them and loved them. It was too much. One night after Ho-seok had stopped by Tae had contemplated suicide. As he got out of the shower, he just stood there staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. He had never felt so low...he had never felt so lost...he had never felt so alone. Even after all of the abuse that he had suffered at his mothers hands, and at the hands of the men that she would bring home, Tae had never felt so betrayed...so used...so utterly and absolutely broken.

But...instead of ending it all, he just curled up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor and cried...mourning the loss of his life and all that had came and left with it.

Months eventually passed and even though he was still completely lost, Taehyung managed to get himself back to school. Sadly, he quit the position at Ho-seok's gallery, as it was just too hard to be around someone that reminded him of his old life. The life that he buried, that night on his cold bathroom floor.

Sometimes, after school, Tae would find himself at a bar looking for the most pathetic person that he could find. Someone who looked weak...hopeful...full of romantic expectations and longed for love. As soon as he found them, he would charm them with his gorgeous looks and his charismatic personality, then he would take them back to his apartment and fuck them senseless ruining any shred of self-worth or hope for love that they may have had. 

 These people made Tae sick, and he wanted them to be humiliated and vulnerable; the way that he was when Jin snuck out in the middle of the night, ruining his life. Tae didn't know why he started this, and he was never satisfied by the acts...all he knew for sure was that if he was making them scream and making them hurt...then he wasn't.

This control became somewhat of a drug for Taehyung...possessing him and making him hardened. The night would start off with the unsuspecting person being so excited and curious as to where the night with the gorgeous stranger may lead, but the only place that it ever led them to, was somewhere on Tae's living room floor, bound, gagged, shamed, and getting all of their holes fucked to the point of near unconsciousness. The louder they cried and the more they begged...the more it pissed him off. This would just cause him to go harder, gaining more power, hence feeling more in control.

At first, Tae knew that this little source of therapy, wasn't healthy, but month after month of seeing headline after headline mentioning Kim Seokjin, the successful son of Kim Enterprises, living the dream in America with his new wife, Tae said fuck it all and toughened even more.

On the night that Tae had read the article claiming that Jin's wife was expecting their first child, he thought that he had actually killed the woman that he brought back home. All he could see when he rammed into her was the bitch that Jin had betrayed him with. Every time she would make any noise at all, whether it was out of pleasure or pain, he saw red...and wanted her to hurt...to pay for ending his life.

Eventually, she lost consciousness, going completely limp on the hard tile of Tae's living room floor. He saw that she was bleeding from her ass, and maybe her cunt, so he decided that he should probably take her to an emergency room for some stitches. He didn't stay though; he just dropped her unconscious body off at the entrance and drove away without alerting anyone or drawing attention to himself. He didn't care...by this point, Taehyung had become nothing more than an uncaring, self-loathing monster, fueled strictly by hate and power. 

All he cared about...all that held value to him, was controlling every, single aspect of his existence. And with his high IQ, gorgeous looks, and cold demeanor, there wasn't much that Taehyung couldn't accomplish or get away with.

It was a little over a year after Jin left that Taehyung was offered the professor position at Busan High and met a certain raven-haired boy who decided to completely fuck up his professor's precise and meticulously controlled life.  All of the self-control and domination that Tae had grown accustomed to and used as an armor, seemed to fly straight out the window after just one night with Jungkook. 

There was just something about that bunny-like, confused beautiful boy...something that Taehyung desperately wanted to break apart, but yet fiercely protect, and aside from the night that he laid in his floor broken apart and wondering how his husband was now living in America, married to someone else...Taehyung had never felt more confused about anything in his entire life.

***Super short update. Sorry, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging for too much longer. I will update again on Sunday. Love you all. Don't forget to hit that star button and share.

Peace & Love,


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