No turning back

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It is 6pm and Jungkook is crawling out of his skin. He has two hours before the professor expects him at his loft. The self-respecting side of Jungkook knows that he can't possibly show up there, but his dick...well, it wants him to go there right this second. Jungkook attempts to shut down the voice in his head telling him "To hell with self-respect! Go right now!" and decides to call Jimin.

He needs some support from a somewhat levelheaded friend, and even though one would likely never refer to his bestie as level-headed, Jimin was Jungkook's only hope right now. He knows that despite what he is thinking, Jimin will help him realize that the last thing he needs to do is go see the professor, therefore stepping Jungkook off the preverbally ledge.

Almost two hours later and Jungkook is no clearer on what he wants to do than he was before he called Jimin. Even though his bestie convinced him that going to the Professor's loft was out of the question, Jungkook needed to do something with himself, so he didn't spend every minute agonizing over his decision.

"I know...", Jimin said as he continued tossing Jungkook's rolled up socks into the air; "Yoongi invited me to the pub tonight near the warehouse district. Apparently, there is a band playing tonight that is pretty good, and Yoongi is friends with the bassist. What do you think Koo?".

Jungkook didn't really feel like going to a loud pub on a school night, but considering the alternative, he decided that he was on board. 

Thirty minutes later, and the two boys were in an Uber, headed to the bar to listen to Yoongi's friend play.

Jungkook couldn't help but get nervous when he realized that the warehouse district, was down by the river near a certain professor's loft. He doesn't know why he didn't put that together when his friend first mentioned "warehouse".

Great, Jungkook thought...all I need tonight is to run into Professor Kim after ghosting him. Ugh...will this shit ever end?  His thoughts were quickly interrupted when the boys spotted Yoongi standing on the corner of the sidewalk waiting on them when they got out of the car.

Jungkook noticed right away, that this wasn't your average pub. Matter of fact, this wasn't a pub at all. To Jungkook, this looked like a full-blown club. He could hear the music blaring already, and several nicely dressed people were standing in a line waiting their turn to get in.

"Ummmm, Jimin...this isn't really what I had in mind tonight. Where is the pub?", Jungkook whispered to his friend, trying not to be conspicuous and look lame in front of Yoongi.

"Relax will be fun. Don't worry about anything tonight, okay? Just have some fun!", Jimin softly said.

Looking down at the attire he chose, Jungkook suddenly felt underdressed. But you could never go wrong with ripped skinny jeans, an oversized t-shirt, and a leather jacket. The necklaces and rings that he had put on, added to the outfit, making him look more put together than he actually was.

Just like the time before, Yoongi ushered them straight to the front of the line, and they were admitted with no questions and no wristbands, identifying them as under the drinking age. Yoongi motioned for the boys to head for the bar and Jungkook thought...what the hell, as he ordered his first drink of the night.

The band was solid and Jungkook found himself completely lost in the rhythm of the guitar. He also found himself completely enamored with the drummer. He was gorgeous...long, lean and the way he moved his hands around those drums, Jungkook was curious if he could move his hands around him just as easily.

The fact that he was on his fourth drink helped the ravenette get the courage to scoot closer to the stage and give the drummer more than just a flirty smile or wink, and before Jungkook knew it, he found himself in the back corner with his tongue shoved down the drummer's throat during the bands break. Yes...this was just what Jungkook needed to get his mind off the damn professor.

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