No Idea

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Sitting in his favorite coffee shop, Kim Taehyung mulled over the events of the previous night. Still in shock that luck would hand deliver him one sexy little ravenette, Professor Kim smiled to himself in sweet satisfaction. 

Should he have taken it farther with the boy, or did he do just enough to secure his spot as the student's number one obsession? Only time would tell, and luckily...that is all they had. 

Well, regardless, Taehyung thought, at least he was able to make the boy Jeonlous with his best friend, who undoubtedly would have been an easy fuck for the night, if a very strange and very pale e-boy hadn't busted in, ruining the fun. 

Oh well, at least he was able to take the kitten like boy home with him and have some fun of a different variety. 

Taehyung always liked it when he came across someone as sadistic as he was, it always made for an eventful night. Even now, he looked down at the rope burns across his wrists and his dick twitched

I didn't even get the guy's name, the professor thought as he replayed the night in his head. The night may not have ended up the way he had originally thought it would, but overall, Taehyung couldn't have been happier with how it turned out. 

Finishing his coffee, he stood to throw his cup away when someone smacked face first into his back. 

"What the...oh, hello again.", Taehyung looked down with a smile. And to his complete surprise, he found himself staring at two chocolate eyes blinking up at him and the prettiest plump lips he's ever seen.

Holy shit, Jimin thought to himself. Is this fate or what! Here he was completely bummed out over Yoongi and came out of the shower to discover that his best friend had ditched him over some bull shit excuse about his parents, only to come out for some breakfast to run smack into the hottie from the club last night. Like...literally run into him. 

"Ummmm, hi.". Jimin said shyly to the gorgeous man standing in front of him. Jimin remembered the man being absolutely ethereal last night, but even here in the bright daylight of the coffee shop, Jimin found himself admiring the beauty radiating off the man. 

"I was wondering where you ran off to last night. I really hate that I didn't get the chance to get to know you better.", Taehyung said with a sly smirk on his full lips. 

Jimin felt his face heat up and said, "Yeah, me too. Sorry about that.".

Very nonchalantly, Taehyung said, "I'm sure we will get another chance to know one another on a deeper level.", while looking at him from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, making the younger boy shift uncomfortably. 

Stuttering, Jimin just managed a grunt and nod, before watching the gorgeous mystery man disappear out of the café and out of sight. 

"Holy fuck!", Jimin whispered to himself. He had no idea when or how, but he knew that he had to see the beautiful stranger again and he couldn't wait to tell his best friend all about it.

Jungkook finally climbed into the shower after laying across his bed for what felt like hours pondering over the night before and all of the things that happened between him and Professor Kim., Jungkook thought to himself over and over again. He would bounce from turned on to shocked, to pissed the fuck off, all in a matter of seconds as he jumped from memory to memory of how the night played out. 

Letting the hot water roll off his body, he closed his eyes and leaned his head up against the cold glass shower wall. Immediately, and against his own will, his mind took him straight back into that club. Jungkook could hear the music thumping in his chest and feel the electricity that was radiating all over him. 

He could also feel a certain set of long fingers wrapping themselves around his neck and jaw, holding his face stone still while a deep voice whispered in his ear. 

Suddenly, Jungkook's mind transported him to the small, dimly lit hallway, where the professor gripped his dick through his pants and licked a strip from his collar bone to his ear, before tugging on his lobe with his perfectly straight teeth. 

Jungkook remembered the way Professor Kim pressed his thigh between his legs and moved on Jungkook's dick, creating friction that felt so good that JK thought he was going to pass out. He had never had someone make him feel so turned on and so small and insignificant at the same time, and he hated to admit it, but he fucking loved it. 

It turned him on more than anything has turned him on in his life. He could hear himself begging the professor for his touch, begging him to touch his dick, touch him anywhere for that matter.

As embarrassing as it was, Jungkook didn't even care at this point. He would have done just about anything last night just to feel the professor's skin against his own. 

God it would feel so good, he thought as he found the length of his own dick, hard and needing release. Taking a pump of shower gel in his hand, he continued to stroke himself as he thought about the professor's hand on his dick and tongue on his neck. 

Damn, what would that tongue feel like licking other parts of his body? Stroking faster, he imagined the professor licking up his throbbing cock. Imagined him taking his entire length in his beautiful mouth and causing Jungkook to come undone as he sucked him and licked him like a delicious treat. 

"Yeah...mmmmm, oh yeah Professor Kim.", Jungkook moaned out as his body began to buckle under the pleasure from his hand. 

Stroking longer, faster and harder, Jungkook allowed himself to spill out all over the shower floor, cuming so hard that he got light-headed and sank down to his knees to sit under the cascading water. 

He had no idea how or when, but Jungkook knew that he had to figure out what he was going to do about the professor, but in the meantime, he needed to tell his best friend all about it. 

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