Stay Away

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***Double update this week bitches! Better brace yourself for this one! ;) Eeeeek can't wait!

Jungkook found himself outside the professors loft. He didn't know what had possessed him to drive there when he left school but here he was and he wasn't leaving until he got some answers. Putting his Mercedes into park, the raven-haired boy decided to wait for Professor Kim inside of his loft. He knew that it was risky and kinda wrong to essentially enter the professors home without him and without his permission, but honestly the boy didn't give a fuck after the little tad-bit of information the new dean had laid on him earlier. And besides, he knew the professors door technically it wasn't breaking in.

With shaky hands, Jungkook pressed in the code that the professor had used, and when the door lock clicked, the boy damn near jumped out of his skin. Opening the heavy door, Jungkook was immediately slammed with memories from just hours earlier...the way he and the professor both started their day here, after spending the night fucking each other's brains out, and coming to terms with the fact that something a little more than the average attraction was going on between them.

Entering the professors bedroom, the ravenette eyed the bed that was still a complete wreck, sheets strewn across the floor, pillows disheveled, and the professors clothes that he had worn to the club, tossed on the rug that the bed sat on.

Jungkook walked over and picked up the professor's discarded shirt, lifting it to his face, inhaling the addictive scent that still lingered on the fabric. Taking another deep breath, Jungkook laid himself down on the bed that just hours before was the scene of two people completely losing themselves in one another. But little did he of those people actually belonged to someone else.

Feeling his eyes burn with unshed tears, he rolled over and curled himself up in a ball. How the fuck did he end up in this situation? Oh yeah, he thought...I played with fire...and now I am getting burned. I made it my mission to fuck with the professor, and now that I have literally fucked the I am the one getting fucked over. Yay...karma.

Groaning, the boy scrunched himself up tighter and closed his eyes, wishing with everything within him, that he could just forget that the dean had ever approached him...forget that they had ever crossed paths, and just go back to when it was just him and Professor Kim. But could he go on being the professors "other man"? Could he be the mistress? Could he really be okay with breaking up a marriage? Gah...what the fuck was he going to do?

Being frustrated with himself, he decided to do a little investigating instead of just laying around crying over the professor. Jungkook got up from the bed and opened the night table, in hopes to find something like a picture of Professor Kim and the dean, but all he found was a bottle of lube, a huge box of condoms, and a wide variety of sex toys.

Shutting the drawer, the boy decided to make his way to the closet. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, and the only clothes that were in there appeared to be the professors, but how could he really know when they were all men's clothes, and the professor and the dean were in fact both men, and from what he could tell, the professor and the dean had a similar height and build.

Coming up empty handed in the closet, next Jungkook decided to rummage through the shelves that he had saw in the living room the first time he came to the loft, but again...nothing.

Either the dean was lying to him and had zero relationship with the professor, or the professor did a damn good job of making sure there wasn't a trace of his husband to be discovered anywhere in the loft when he was having "company".

Getting irritated, Jungkook decided to pour himself some water and wait on the couch. School should be out by now, and it wouldn't be long before the professor would be home. Going over to the kitchen, Jungkook opened a cabinet, in search of a glass. The first cabinet he opened was nothing but coffee mugs, the second cabinet he opened was nothing but plates, but the third cabinet he opened contained a variety of different shaped and sized glasses.

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