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Taehyung smiled to himself as he fastened his seatbelt and pulled out of the teachers parking lot. He had set the trap. Now, all he needed to do was sit back and wait for Jungkook to take the bait. He could hardly contain himself as he made the drive back to his loft. 

He wondered how long it would take before the boy discovered the keys in his cupholder and realized that he hadn't actually locked them up in his car after all, which would also mean that there was no reason whatsoever for him to bring the younger to his loft. 

Taehyung couldn't quit smiling. He could not believe his luck. Here he was thinking that this year was going to suck and that he would have to just stick it out to get some experience under his belt before moving on to becoming a professor at a university somewhere. Yet, he had met a raven-haired boy by the name of Jeon Jungkook and his year didn't look so terrible anymore. 

It actually looked fun...full of promise...and, if his plan worked, full of amazing sex with the sexiest little sub that he has ever seen.

He drove on to his loft with anticipation and excitement. Professor Kim knew that it wouldn't be long before the confusion sat in across Jungkook's gorgeous face and the younger would be filled with questions and hopefully, desire. He knew how well the youngers body responded to his touch. 

From the night at the club, to the way he almost folded on his couch earlier, to the way he sucked in a breath and closed his eyes from the simple circle he made on his thigh, in the car. He knew that Jungkook's body was his and his alone for the taking and he could not wait. But until then, he had things to do. 

So, with the music cranked up and the windows rolled down, Professor Kim headed home to wait...wait on his trap to deliver him one sexy little bunny.

Now what the fuck was he supposed to do?, Jungkook thought as he sat on his bed holding the professor's keys in his hand. 

Should he pretend like he doesn't know they were in his car? Should he take them to school on Monday morning and leave them on the professor's desk? Should he take them to school and throw them in Professor Kim's face in front of everyone and make a big spectacle out of the whole thing, putting his plan in motion to ruin the professor's career? Or...or should he take them to the professor's house? It is Saturday night...there is really nothing else to do, and he hasn't heard from Jimin, which means that he is probably still making up with Yoongi...and what if the professor needs his extra set of keys? 

Jungkook knew the last one was a bullshit excuse. He knew that he was just coming up with reasons to go back to the professor's loft. He knew that he just hoped that he would take the keys back to Professor Kim and something else would happen between them. 

That is what he wished anyway. But considering how he always ended up frustrated with the professor walking away from him, the likelihood of anything else happening was slim to none, so he sat the keys on his nightstand and decided to go take his second shower for the day. Maybe then he could clear his mind and figure out what the hell he should do.

The cool water did little to dissipate Jungkook's confusion. If anything, it just made it worse, because the whole time he was in the shower, all he could think about was himself stripping out of his shirt in front of Professor Kim, and the way the professor leaned across him while he seemingly "searched for his keys" within the cushions of his couch. 

Turning off the water and wrapping a towel around his slim waist, Jungkook walked over to the bathroom mirror and wiped off the steam. Letting his eyes survey the surface of his skin, he couldn't help but wonder what the professor thought when he saw his shirtless torso for the first time. 

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