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Seokjin in this story 🥵

Seokjin in this story 🥵

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Jungkook stood there, frozen...unable to move as he watched tears run down the professor's beautiful face. The Professor...Mr. Hard-Ass himself...the man whose coldness can rival the devil, was standing here crying and appeared to be on the verge of a breakdown. 

Who the hell is this mystery man that has Professor Kim so distraught? Jungkook thought to himself.

Inching his way closer, so that he could better hear the words being exchanged, Jungkook slid his body down the side of the building wall, crouching down as to not be seen. Confused and for some reason annoyed, the ravenette didn't know why he cared that this man was upsetting the professor... but he did. Shoving his tongue in the side of his cheek and pushing down the overwhelming sense of frustration that was bubbling up inside of his chest, Jungkook watched and listened as he heard the man finally speak.

"Hi", Jin said in a soft voice.

"Hi? Hi? After three years of radio silence, all you have to say to me is hi? ", Taehyung bit out as he involuntarily balled his hands into fists.

"What the fuck are you doing here Jin?", Taehyung said. 

 Standing there, staring at the man who just three years ago was single-handedly responsible for mending and destroying what was left of his fucked up heart, Taehyung felt as though he was going to suffocate to death at any moment. Clawing at the neck of his shirt, he anxiously unbuttoned the next few buttons, desperate to gain some relief.

"I...I accepted the head Dean position here in Busan... at the local high school.", Jin hesitantly responded, with a small and ingenuine smile stretched across his plump lips.

Taehyung's heart stopped as he felt a shiver run down the length of his spine. 

"Excuse me?", he said. " are the new dean at Busan High?", Taehyung whispered out in disbelief.

Was this some kind of joke? Was someone pulling a bad joke on him? Surely, the universe isn't this cruel. Why would Kim Seokjin accept a position in Busan, when the last Taehyung heard, he was happily married and living his perfect fucking life in America. 

 Suddenly, Taehyung's ears started to buzz, and he felt as though the ground that he was currently standing on tilted.

The next thing he knew, he was falling to the ground, and just as the world went black, he heard the muffled sounds of  heavy footsteps and yelling voices.


What the fuck, Jungkook says out loud when he sees the professor turn ghostly pale and his amber eyes roll back in his head. Full of fear and rage, the raven-haired boy takes off running full speed across the parking lot towards the professor as watched his beautiful body crumple to the hard ground. The mystery man was now pulling Professor Kim into his arms, and Jungkook saw red.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!", Jungkook roared at the top of his lungs, rushing towards the man, ready to knock him the fuck out. "Back the fuck away...don't you dare touch him!", Jungkook spit out as he slammed a shoulder into the man, knocking him backwards, before ripping the professor out of his arms.

Jungkook had no idea what he was doing. Something within him took over his body and the next thing he knew, he was carrying the professor towards his Mercedes, trying to get as far away from the man who clearly did something terrible to him.

"It's are okay...I've got you.", the ravenette kept repeating as he made his way to his car.

Opening the door, Jungkook carefully laid the professor back in the passenger seat before stalking around the front of the car, eyes trained on the mystery man who was now walking in his direction, clearly intending to say something to him.

"Stop right there asshole. I don't know who the fuck you are, and I don't care...but you stay the fuck away from him!", the younger growled out...tone laced with pure anger, the veins in his neck bulging and his whole body tense and ready to strike.

The man stopped dead in his tracks with a confused and shocked look on his face. And there was something else in his gaze...something else, that according to Jungkook, looked like...pain.

Climbing into the driver's seat, Jungkook glanced over at the beautiful man who was still out of it. Rage filled him. And even if he didn't understand why he was having such a visceral reaction, all he knew was that all he wanted to do right in this moment was protect the professor, kiss his soft lips, and run his car over the mother fucker still standing in the parking lot watching them.

Gripping the wheel until his knuckles turned white, Jungkook revved the engine and stared the man down. Deciding that committing vehicular homicide wasn't the smartest idea, the raven-haired boy pulled the Mercedes out of the parking lot, threw up a middle finger towards the man, and sped away.


Taehyung opened his eyes and discovered that he was laying in his bed. "What the fuck happened?", he mumbled to himself. "Was it a dream?".

Rubbing his hands down his face, he heard a soft snore, and realized that he wasn't alone. Sitting up, Taehyung clicked on the bedside lamp, and to his surprise, he saw his raven-haired bunny, curled up in a little ball next to him, sound asleep...looking like a fallen angel.

Before Taehyung knew what he was doing, he brushed his long fingers down the boys cheek, pushing his soft raven hair out of his eyes. Staring at the boys beautiful face and the contrast of his dark lashes that fanned out across his creamy skin, Taehyung's memory from earlier comes back. 

He remembers that just as he felt the earth start to spin, he saw an enraged and yet frantic looking Jungkook running towards him, and even though he couldn't understand the words the boy was saying, he knew that the raven-haired boy was shouting something.

"What were you doing out there little bunny...hmmm? Did you see and hear everything? Were you trying to protect me?", Taehyung whispers to the sleeping boy.

Stroking Jungkook's buttery cheek, he felt himself relax. Taehyung was exhausted and emotionally drained from everything that had happened earlier tonight. He didn't know how or why Jin was here in Busan...but he couldn't force himself to think about it or even care, as he sat here staring at the soft bunny lying next to him.

Laying his head down on his pillow, Taehyung scooted himself closer to Jungkook's warm body, and surrendered himself to the tiredness that was consuming him. Closing his eyes and continuing to graze his fingers along Jungkook's soft skin, while listening to the soft breaths escaping the boys sweet lips...Taehyung knew that he was in serious trouble. Because the last time he felt this peaceful and at ease, the next day...his entire world crumbled down around him and he was left with nothing.

***Short chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of weeks, but things have been nutty, and I have been kind of under the weather. Anyway...I hope you are still enjoying the story and are ready to go on this crazy ride with me. What do you think is going to happen with Seokjin? Are you excited to find out?

Don't forget to click that star and share. And don't forget that I love you!

Thanks again for reading my story!!

Peace & Love,


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