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Professor Kim sat at his desk as the classroom began to fill up with students. He heard him before he ever laid eyes on him. Jungkook's boots had a very distinctive sound coming down the hallway, and Professor Kim was thankful that the boys' boots provided him a few extra seconds to prepare himself before seeing the ravenette.

Oh, the ravenette...there he is, back to his old self, looking like a confused e-boy/jock. Dressed from head to toe in black, with that scowl on his face that made a little crease between his brows. The little crease that made him look aggravated and yet extremely sexy. 

  Kim Taehyung...get ahold of your damn self, the professor said in his head. But the professor couldn't help it, ever since the first day that he laid eyes on the raven-haired boy, he couldn't stop looking at him.

Jungkook must have felt the professors gaze because he glanced up at the professor, causing them to lock eyes. Taehyung couldn't look away. It was as though he was frozen in place. He and Jungkook just continued the stare-off. Who would look away first? 

Jungkook was burning holes through the professor with his onyx orbs, and the professor wanted nothing more than to strut over to the beautiful, confused boy and bend him over the desk. But he can't, and with that, he cleared his throat, looked away, and focused on the last students making their way through the door before addressing the class, calling attendance, and handing back the papers they completed for yesterday's assignment.

What the fuck was that about? Jungkook thought to himself after the professor turned his face towards the door. 

Jungkook wanted to scream. The professor was clearly still up to something, why else would he have just stood there staring at him like a complete psycho. 

 "Ugh...I really need to transfer out of this damn class.", Jungkook said under his breath as he took the stack of papers the girl in front of him was passing back.

There it was...his paper that he laid on the professor's desk yesterday with the words "FUCK YOU", written big and bold in red marker. 

 The girl in front of him was staring as he looked over his paper. "What!?", he said as he glared at her. She hurriedly turned herself back around in her seat, making sure to not look back at Jungkook again.

Staring at the paper, Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at the grade that the professor had written on the top of it. There in black ink, circled and enormous, was a huge F. Not that Jungkook was expecting an A, but this was definitely the first F that he has ever gotten, and it would most definitely not go unnoticed by his parents, which would likely lead to some kind of parent/teacher meeting. 

 I wonder how pretty Professor Prick will talk himself out of that one?

  "Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, your son got an F on his assignment because he wrote "FUCK YOU", on his paper because he was mad that I told him to get out of my house after I sucked his amazing dick.", Jungkook chuckled to himself because he could just imagine the whole thing, and it seriously amused him. 

 He just didn't know what amused him more, the idea of the professor getting in a shit storm of trouble or his precious mom and dad finding out that he was giving it to his teacher. 

 He fucking hated them equally, so either way, it was sure to be entertaining no matter how it ended up going.


The class was over, and it was time to move on to next period, but Jungkook wasn't sure that he was completely finished having fun with the good professor today. So, he purposely hung back, while everyone else gathered their belongings and headed out the door.

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