Plan B

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"What the fuck went wrong?", Jimin said to his friend as they sat on Jungkook's bed. 

"I mean, you had on the pants...the dick showing pants!", Jimin continued with his voice now elevated to a shrill. 

Jungkook just fell backwards, staring up at his ceiling, completely confused. "I really don't get it Chiminchi. I mean... I had it together today. I looked so damn fine today. And he didn't even look in my direction. He didn't even notice!! But Park fucking Bo-gum got a laugh, a back rub and an invitation to stay after class!! What gives man?" 

It was clear to Jimin by his friends moan of desperation that they needed to come up with a plan B. If Professor Kim was attracted to the goody-goody Park Bo-gum type, they needed to reevaluate their approach. They needed to reevaluate Jungkook's wardrobe choice. 

"Hey...", Jimin said trying to snap his best friend out of his rejection coma. "Hey...all we need to do is think of a new strategy. Clearly, Professor Professional has a type and perhaps, it is pretty polite boy types like Bo-gum. Maybe tomorrow go in with a new attitude and a new look and see if that gets Mr. Professor's attention.". 

Remaining silent and staring at his ceiling, Jungkook mulled over what his best friend was suggesting. much as he hated the thought of being anything like Park Bo-gum, maybe Jimin was right. Maybe Professor Kim wasn't into the rough looking type. Maybe it was too scary for his pretty boy heart to handle. Maybe Professor Kim was a soft kinda guy and turned off by the idea of anything besides roses and hearts; even though Jungkook had his doubts based off the way the professor quickly cut him down in front of his classmates. 

Oh well, it was worth a shot. Jungkook refused to go down without a fight and if polite pretty boys are what ticked Kim Taehyungs fancy, by-God then Jungkook would be the prettiest, politest mother fucker the professor has ever seen.


Taking off his shoes and tossing his keys onto the entry table, Taehyung was more than ready to relax and erase this day from his memory. Well, not all of the day. Specifically, the part of the day when he watched a certain raven-haired boy climb his way out of a very sexy, very fast black Mercedes and walk his tight ass across the student parking lot. 

Yeah, Taehyung definitely didn't want to erase that memory any time soon. Loosening his tie and making his way to his large bathroom, Taehyung reached in the shower and turned the dial to hot, allowing the room to fill up with relaxing steam. 

Unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off his tan, lean body, his mind went back to the ravenette. Damn, how did he not notice the boy's body the day before when he first stood in the doorway of the classroom. 

Unbuttoning his gray dress pants, he recalled the pants Jungkook was wearing today. Shredded black jeans which hugged every single inch of his thighs as well of every single inch of what appeared to be a nice sized dick. 

Sliding his pants off and pulling at the waistband of his boxer briefs, Taehyung licked his lips and envisioned the youngers pants being removed as well, wondering what his underwear looked like. Were they boxers, boxer briefs or briefs? Did the ravenette even wear underwear? Taehyung recalled the tightness of the boy's jeans and couldn't remember seeing an outline of underwear anywhere on Jungkook's backside. 

With this thought, Taehyung removed his own underwear and walked into the steamy shower.

Imagining his smart mouthed student, he began rubbing his long fingers down his wet chest. The hot water cascading down his body making him feel nice and relaxed. Using his other hand to pump a few shots of lavender shower gel in his hands, he began to lather his body. Running his hands in circles over his chest and stomach, feeling the smoothness of his large hands and long fingers against his skin. 

His mind once again thinking about the ravenette. How he needed to be taught some manners, how he needed to be punished for having such a smart mouth. How he needed to be taught a lesson for wearing jeans so tight that you could clearly see his pretty dick. 

As he thought of Jungkook and all the ways he would punish him, Taehyung slid his hand down the length of his own growing dick. With every slide of his hand, he thought about Jungkook's ass lit up bright red with his handprint. 

This made Taehyung squeeze his cock harder. He thought about the beautiful boy's black hair wet with sweat, plastered to the side of his face as he moaned out in pain, taking his professors dick like the good boy he was going to be. Yeah, the good boy he would be just for Professor Kim. 

Stroking his dick at a fast pace and with enough pressure to feel like it might break off, Taehyung kept visualizing all the ways he would make Jungkook sorry for having such a smart mouth and a bad attitude. 

Thinking of the boy on his knees getting his pretty smart mouth fucked until tears ran out of his giant doe eyes, was Taehyungs undoing and his body shuddered forward as he shot cum out onto the tile shower floor. 

Opening his eyes, he knew that his original plan of playing with Park Bo-gum until the ravenette got jealous wasn't going to be the most effective. It was time for something else. It was time for a plan B. 

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