Flashback Part Two

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Taehyung grabbed his coat from behind the counter. He had successfully completed his first week of work at the art gallery, and he was feeling hopeful for the first time in a while. Although he had agreed to only work three nights per week, the owner ended up needing him every evening this week, as well as Saturday. A new artist was being showcased and there was so much work to get done before their show took place that same night. Taehyung was in awe through the entire process, admiring each sculpture that was brought in and displayed in the gallery. He found himself even more enthralled with the people who came in to view the pieces. Each person seemed to have their own unique identity, and almost appeared as art themselves.

Flipping off the light in the main hall and walking towards the door, Taehyung didn't register the tall figure standing outside, in front of the building. Walking out on the street, the boys heart almost came to a complete halt when someone grabbed his arm from behind.

"What tha...", Taehyung said as the stranger came into view, but his words died in his throat as he saw Professor Kim standing in front of him.

"Professor Kim...what are you doing here? You startled me.", the boy mumbled, confused as to why the professor was here at the art gallery after closing hours.

"I was waiting on you Tae...I wanted to take you out to dinner to celebrate your first week of work and the success of tonight's exhibit.", the professor coolly replied.

"Why...it wasn't my exhibit.", Taehyung replied.

"I know that silly. But this was your first exhibit that you helped set up and be a part of, and I thought you would maybe like to grab some dinner to celebrate.", the professor chuckled, shifting nervously on his feet.

Professor Kim knew that Taehyung had a hard life. Even though he had no real proof other than the way the boy carried himself at the university, and the way Taehyung flinched at the slightest of motions, the professor had his suspicions. Then, after the boy completely broke down in his arms the other night, Jin knew more than ever that the boy was in trouble, and he needed...no...he had help him. Because after the night he witnessed Taehyung staring up at the art gallery in complete awe, all starry-eyed and fluffy looking, Kim Seokjin had fallen completely and unequivocally in love with him. And even though it seemed odd and unconventional, the young professor didn't care. He couldn't help the way he felt for the boy, and he knew that he would do absolutely anything to make Taehyung's life what it should be...amazing.

"Oh...well, I guess I am a bit hungry, I didn't have time to eat lunch or dinner because we were so busy today. But...it was so worth it! It was amazing Professor Kim...uh, I mean Jin!", Taehyung said with his voice exploding with enthusiasm.

Professor Kim just listened and smiled at the younger as he kept talking in his deep velvety voice...going on and on about the amazing night and the different pieces by the sculptor.

The more Taehyung talked, the more in love Jin felt himself falling. He knew that there was nothing that he wouldn't do for the boy, and although they were barely even friends at the moment, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the fluffy haired beauty that was walking beside of him.


Three Years Later

"Thus, in the sincerity and promise of what you have said and done here today and by the power vested in me by YOU, it is my honor and absolute pleasure to now declare you married in life...for life, husband, and husband!", Jung Ho-seok said with a mega-watt smile plastered across his face.

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