What game are you playing?

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The next morning, Professor Kim was busy writing today's literature discussion topic up on the blackboard when he heard students start to fill in the classroom. Continuing to write and not hearing the familiar clunk of boots against the tile floor, Taehyung assumed that the ravenette was once again going to come strolling in as the late bell rang. 

About the time he finished what he was writing, the tardy bell sounded its alarm and he realized that he still hadn't heard the boy walk into class. 

Turning around to survey his students, his gaze quickly froze on the back corner of the room, sitting in his desk was Jungkook, except he wasn't wearing his normal, "I'm confused goth/jock" styled clothes, but instead, he was wearing a pink button-down shirt with a navy school uniform sweater vest over it and a pair of khaki pants and dark brown loafers. 

Taehyung didn't know whether to laugh or feel disgusted at the youngers outfit. This was clearly some sort of ploy to gain attention from him and he wasn't for sure how he felt about it just yet. 

Looking down, before the ravenette could catch him staring, Professor Kim began roll call. When he called out Jeon Jungkook, the black-haired boy responded with, "Here sir...good morning Professor Kim.". 

Everyone in the classroom turned to look back at Jungkook. Girls snickered giving one another suspicious glances and the guys in the class chuckled at the self-proclaimed bad asses new appearance.

Ignoring the boys greeting, Professor Kim continued calling students names and when he got to Park Bo-gum, he made sure to say good morning to the boy, even though Bo-gum hadn't offered up a morning greeting to him. 

Professor Kim didn't even have to glance up to know that the ravenette was bothered by this. He heard the shuffling noises coming from the back of the class, and this made him smile. That's right baby boy...get mad, he thought to himself. 

Professor Kim wasn't sure what kind of game Jungkook was playing, but he decided that he didn't like it one bit. He wanted the boy to bring back that smart mouth that he so vividly imagined fucking the night before while he was in the shower. And while he admitted that the ravenette looked pretty in pink, it did nothing for him like the black cotton he normally wore stretched across his creamy skin.

What the fuck... Jungkook thought to himself as he rolled his eyes so far back into his head that he worried they may get stuck there for good. Here he sat in the most uncomfortable clothes he has ever wore in his entire life, all for the sake of getting Professor Panties in a Wad's attention and all it has gotten him so far is weird looks from his classmates and chaffed nipples from this damn starched shirt. 

And he didn't even say good morning back to me, but yet he very excitedly said good morning to butt fucker Bo-gum. 

"Son of a bitch!", Jungkook accidently said out loud. He had intended on saying it in my mind, but nope...it came right out of his mouth and landed straight on the ears of every person in his class. Everyone looked at him. Well, everyone but a certain professor, who seemed to be unfazed. 

Jungkook sat there, statue still in his desk, staring at Professor Kim, waiting for him to look up and rain down a plethora of dismay, but it never came. Eventually, his peers turned back around and went back to their studies and while the professor had every right to write him up or send him to the office, he did nothing. 

Professor Kim did abso-fucking-lutely nothing. That's it!!!, Jungkook thought. He had enough of this bullshit. He was over it. If the professor wanted to play this game, then...they would fucking play. 

Today was Friday and Jungkook had all weekend to figure out his next step. But for now, he was going to sit there and pray that his nipples didn't fall off before he could dig his way out of the itchy ass pink shirt he was wearing.

Class ended and nothing eventful happened. Students gathered their belongings and scurried from the room and into the hallway. Jungkook was quicker today than the previous days, not caring to make small talk with Professor Prick or anyone else for that matter. 

Walking to the front of the room, he paused as he saw Park Bo-gum sit something on the professor's desk. Professor Kim looked up at Bo-gum and Jungkook could have sworn the professor licked his lips with slow and sexual intent before mouthing the words "thanks Bo". 

Standing there in complete disbelief as to what he just witnessed, Jungkook realized that he was staring, and that Bo-gum was already out of the room which left him standing there staring at the professor like an idiot. 

"Mr. Jeon, something on your mind?", Professor Kim said. Jungkook continued to stand there, his legs apparently now a part of the floor. 

"Do you want it?", the professor said in his deep velvet voice as he got up from behind his desk and started walking towards Jungkook. 

Unable to do anything, Jungkook wondered if he had suffered a stroke from all of the stress that he was under thanks to Professor Prick. As the professor approached him, he reached out taking Jungkook's hand with his long warm fingers wrapping tightly around his wrist and the professor placed something hard in his palm. 

He looked the younger in the eye and said, "Don't worry baby boy...you can have my banana milk anytime you want it.".

Just as Jungkook's brain decided to start working again and he started to reply to the professor, he caught sight of the professor's backside as he walked out the classroom and into the hall. 

Dazed and confused, the ravenette just stood there staring at the carton of banana milk he held in his hand and he just started laughing a crazed and delirious laugh. Thank God it was Friday because one more day of playing games with the professor and Jungkook thought that he would actually lose it. 

Maybe he wasn't cut out for this after all. Just wait until Jimin heard about this. Walking out of the classroom, Jungkook stopped and tossed the banana milk into the waste basket beside of Professor Kim's desk. 

He would rather die than take banana milk from that mother fucker. Even though it was his absolute favorite drink, there is no way in hell he would give Professor Pompous ass the satisfaction of knowing that he loved it and actually wanted his banana milk more than he dared to admit. 

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