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Taehyung had no idea what he was going to do with Jungkook. Suddenly, all of the things he had thought up and planned to do with the young raven-haired boy seemed completely irrelevant. Nevertheless, Taehyung knew that he wasn't completely finished with the boy, and he honestly didn't want to be. 

 In all of his years of messing around with pathetic person after desperate and pathetic person, he for once felt that this time could be different. And even though, it scared him more than anything has, he knew that he wasn't ready to completely turn his back on Jeon Jungkook. Although, it may not be up to him considering how angry the boy was towards him earlier.

Taehyung admits that he has been having his fair share of fun with the boy, but if Jungkook only knew how different he was, how he went farther with Taehyung that night in his loft, than anyone has in the last three years. If only, the boy knew that Taehyung was completely and irrevocably fucked up and letting anyone be more than just a quick fuck, was damn near impossible. 

If only Taehyung could explain this to the boy. If only he could muster up the courage to tell the boy not to be so quick to throw in the towel on whatever this is. But Taehyung knows that he won't tell the raven-haired boy and that he needs to just walk away now, before shit really hits the fan, and he winds up jobless or worse.

But immediately, his mind takes him back to that night in his loft...when Jungkook slowly took off his shirt, showing the older his perfect chest and abs, covered in the smoothest skin that Taehyung has ever felt. The way Jungkook melted into his touch, the way the ravenettes smooth, thick dick fit perfectly in his mouth and the heavenly way the boy tasted as he sucked him off. "Fuck!!!", Taehyung said as he palmed the crotch of his sleep pants, that were suddenly pulled tighter thanks to his hardened cock.

Trying to forget what he knows about the ravenette, will be the hardest part. Especially since he will have to see the beautiful boy every day for the rest of the school year. Taehyung decided to grab a shower to help him rid his thoughts of the raven-haired beauty that he is so mesmerized by, but all that did was give him an opportunity to fantasize more about the younger and before Taehyung knew it, he was coming completely undone with Jungkook's name falling from his lips and cum falling from his dick.


Jungkook's alarm clock went off right as Professor Kim was sucking his soul out of his cock. "Fucking hell!", Jungkook said as he knocked his phone off the night table beside his bed, in attempt to silence the annoying beep. Rubbing his hands down his face, he noticed that he was rock hard and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. "Traitor!", Jungkook mumbled and flicked the tip of his dick that was standing up against the crisp gray sheets covering his waist.

Jungkook knew that ruining the professor was the only way to go about this and get him out of his life once and for all. He couldn't let Professor Prick get away with the way he was treating him...and if he weren't the object of the professors' games, he was sure that some other poor unsuspecting fool would be, and he just couldn't let that happen. He remembered how close his own best friend came to falling victim to the professor that night at the club.

Ugh...that night at the club...the night when Jungkook first experienced the sorcery that the professor wielded. The sexy magic that Professor Kim held in his little finger was more than most people held in their whole bodies. 

 Jungkook knew firsthand how seductive the professor could be and how amazing his lips felt against your amazing his hands felt as they trailed up your his lips wrapped perfectly against your he could swallow you down and circle his tongue on you at the exact same time, making you feel as though you ascended straight into heaven. 

  Son of a bitch...Jungkook thought as he was now freely stroking himself at the thoughts of the professor.

But it felt too good. Jungkook wanted it...he needed the release, so he continued imagining the professor's lips wrapped around his dick, sucking the life out of him, and Jungkook came violently in his hand, before heading to the shower, to get himself ready to face the sorcerer himself during his advanced English class. 

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