Now What?

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The morning sun hit Jungkook right in the face, causing him to moan and roll over. He slowly opened his eyes when he realized that he wasn't in his own bed. Laying there across from him was his beautiful best friend, shirtless, with his hair all a mess. 

Jungkook just stared at him for a bit. He really was an angel. His gorgeous skin, pouty lips and eyelashes fanned out across his squishy cheeks. Jungkook really could never get used to how beautiful Jimin was. He also never understood why they never dated, even though both of them had agreed that they would never date for fear of ruining their friendship if they ever broke up. They both couldn't stand the thought of not being friends. However, here they laid...morning after they came home the night before and made love to each other. 

It was strange how they were. How they could remain best friends after the times that they had been intimate and never once had any weirdness or awkward moments afterwards. It was just like it was a normal part of their relationship. 

"Morning.", Jimin said in a sleepy, raspy voice that always took Jungkook by surprise when he heard it. It was such a contrast to Jimin's normal tone of voice, which was much higher and sweet sounding. 

"Man, what a fucking night huh?!", Jimin said as he scratched his flat tummy and climbed out of the bed. 

"You could say that!", Jungkook replied, knowing damn well that Jimin had no fucking clue what a crazy night it actually was.

"Shit man...I don't even know what to say. All I know is, if I never see Min Yoongi again, it will be too fucking soon.". 

Jungkook knew that Jimin didn't mean a word of that, because he had heard this a hundred times before. Every time that Yoongi would lose his temper and he and Jimin would have a fight, Jimin would declare that he wanted nothing to do with the e-boy and as soon as Yoongi came back around, purring in Jimin's ear and showing him any kind of attention, Jimin threw it all out the window and fell right back into the elder's arms. good. 

"Mmmmmhmmm.", JK replied. 

"I'm gonna grab a quick shower, then we will grab some breakfast.", Jimin said before disappearing into the bathroom. 

Jungkook just laid there in his underwear thinking about a certain professor and the fucked-up things that took place in the hallway last night. He couldn't believe the way the night played out. One minute he is on the dancefloor watching girls twerking and the next minute, he is shoved against the wall with his professor's hand on his dick, with Jungkook begging for him to touch him. Fucking hell!! 

"Fuck!", Jungkook moaned as he covered his face with a pillow. Now what!! How the fuck was he going to walk into that classroom on Monday morning and look that bastard in the face knowing that just a mere seventy-two hours earlier, he was begging him to touch his dick

I am fucked, Jungkook thought. Completely fucked! Not in the mood for breakfast, he pulled on his jeans and left Jimin a note, explaining that he needed to head home since he hadn't let his parents know that he was staying over last night, and they were concerned. 

Even though he knew that Jimin would know that it was a load of shit, because Jungkook's parents never concerned themselves with their sons' whereabouts. They were always too busy with their social life and entertaining the higher-ups to trouble themselves with their youngest son. 

Until Jungkook was finished with university and preparing to take his position alongside his perfect brother in the family company, he wasn't a huge concern. And as long as Jungkook was making good grades and behaving himself, they could care less. They just continued to throw money his way and tell him how he needed to be preparing himself by studying, so that he could successfully take over the company with his brother, when his father retired. 

None the less, as lame as it was, this was the excuse Jungkook was using to bail on his best friend and gather his thoughts on how he was going to deal with Professor Kim.  

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