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Panting, and stunned, immediately realizing what he had just done, Tae wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and began tucking the ravenette back into his black pants. "Listen to me Jungkook.", Tae said softly against the boys ear in-between shallow breaths as he adjusted himself. "I...I am sorry. I didn't mean to be so...so rough. I just...I just couldn't stand to see you...see you sitting there, with that guy... fuck...with that guy all over you.", the professor continued.

Turning the boy around, Tae cupped Jungkook's beautiful face in his large hands but Jungkook refused to look at the professor. The raven-haired boy continued to stare down at the ground despite the professor's attempt to capture his eyes.

Jungkook felt raw...not physically, but emotionally raw. He honestly didn't know if he was going to survive this...survive the professor. His heart was constricted so tightly in his chest that he feared it would stop beating altogether the instant he locked eyes with Professor Kim.

Sensing the boys hesitation, and tipping Jungkook's chin up with his slender finger, Tae said, "Jungkook...look at me bun.". Again, Jungkook refused to meet his gaze. Little did Taehyung know but the ravenette was fighting with all of his might to contain the fountain of tears that threatened to erupt from his eyes.

"Jungkook. Baby, please look at me. I need you to look at me with those big, gorgeous eyes of yours. Please baby.". Hearing a sniffle, Taehyung bent down and forced himself in Jungkook's face. Jungkook tried to turn his head away from the elder, but the professor grabbed his chin and held it in place.

"Bun...baby I am so sorry. I honestly didn't mean to...", the professor's words were cut off by a gruff, choked up voice. "What? You didn't mean to what Professor Kim? To repeatedly use me. Constantly make me feel like shit! Confuse me on a daily basis! Literally fuck me over and over again! Make me catch feelings for you, only to BREAK MY FUCKING HEART!", the raven-haired boy now shouted, heavy tears freely streaming down his perfect cheeks, as he is now face to face with the professor.

"Jungkook,", Taehyung started to explain. "It wasn't like that bunny...I swear it isn't what you think.", the professor said as he used the pad of his thumbs to wipe the flowing tears away from the boys face.

"Then what is it Professor Kim? Because I can't do whatever the fuck this is ANYMORE!", the boy yelled as he motioned between their bodies with his hand. "This is not okay! I'm...I am...I'm...fucking addicted to you! I want you so much that I can't even con...", the ravenettes words were stopped as Tae smashed his lips on the boys. Wrapping his long slender fingers around the nape of Jungkook's neck, Taehyung deepened the kiss, parting the raven-haired boys lips with his tongue.

Jungkook felt himself melt into the professor's kiss, as their tongues explored one another. Jungkook wrapped both of his arms around Taehyung's neck and pulled the other's long firm body flush against his own.

With extreme desperation, Jungkook pressed himself against the professor; he seriously couldn't get enough of this man. God help him but he couldn't. "Jungkook...", the professor panted out between kisses, trying to pull away to speak to the boy.

"Mmmmmm...don't stop Professor Kim. Please don't stop.", the ravenette moaned out, pushing his hard length against the professor's own now growing bulge.

"Bun...fuck baby, you are driving me fucking crazy.", the professor said as the ravenette assaulted his neck, sucking and biting his way down towards his chest.

"I want you Professor Kim. I want you so much. You are all I think about, you are all that I want...I wake up thinking of you and fall asleep thinking of you. You are ruining me, but I don't care. I want you so much.", the boy shamefully groaned out between the small flicks of his tongue on the professors skin.

"Jungkook! Ahhhhh...", Taehyung moaned as the raven-haired boys inked-hand slipped beneath the waistband of his pants and gripped his length.

"Okay, okay bun...I want you too...but let's go...not here...I don't want to do that again. I want to take you home and take my time on you baby.", the professor said with a smile, as he reluctantly pulled Jungkook's hand out of his pants.

"Okay.", Jungkook said grinning as he pressed a small kiss on the professors lips.

Intertwining their fingers, Taehyung led the ravenette back into the club and cautiously walked through the VIP section, where the security team was still questioning patrons about the incident that transpired earlier. Jungkook and Tae stuck close to the back wall as to stay out of view.

Successfully making their way to the stairs that led to the dance floor. Taehyung turned around to smile at Jungkook and let the doe-eyed boy know that there was nothing to worry about.

Just as Tae turned around to reassure Jungkook, someone grabbed him by the shoulder. Noticing the devastated look on Jungkook's beautiful face, Tae knew that it had to be something bad.

"There you are Taebear...I have been looking everywhere for you! Where did you go? I was waiting for you to comeback so we could keep dancing.", Jin said in an overly flirtatious tone, running his hand down the side of Taehyung's chest, making sure to look at Jungkook while he did.

Suddenly, Tae felt Jungkook's slender fingers slip from his own, and as he turned around to explain, Jin grabbed him and pulled him away from the ravenette. "Jungkook! Wait!", Taehyung shouted as he watched the boy walk down the stairs and away from him.

Jerking out of Jin's grasp, Tae ran down the stairs towards Jungkook, but as soon as he got to the bottom of the steps, he was met with a sharp right hook that made him see stars. "What tha...", Tae said before dodging the next fist that came flying at his face.

"Leave Jungkook the fuck alone you pathetic piece of shit! Who the fuck do you think you are?", Jimin said as he reared back to hit the professor again.

Panicking because he had lost sight of the raven-haired boy, Taehyung wiped the blood off his lip and said, "You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.".

Trying to walk away, so that he could find Jungkook, Tae was stopped by a small, yet strong grip on his arm.

"I said to leave him the fuck alone!", Jimin screamed in the professor's face. "Don't you think you have hurt him enough? It is bad enough that you have done him like this to begin with, but it is his fucking birthday, and here you are pulling this shit! Leave Kookie alone and go back to your husband you fucking asshole!"

Annoyed as fuck and now seeing red, Taehyung jerked out of Jimin's grasp and growled, "I DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND YOU LITTLE SHIT! But you won't shut the fuck up long enough to let me explain! Now let me the fuck go, so I can go find Jungkook and make this right!".

"You aren't going anywhere.", a deep and unfamiliar voice spoke. Turning to see who was speaking to him, Tae rolled his eyes and cussed under his breath, as he saw the police along with the VIP.

Tae started to speak, but the police officer grabbed him by the wrist and started putting handcuffs on him. As the officer was reading Tae his rights, and explaining something about assault charges, Tae spotted a very large and very worried set of onyx-colored doe eyes peeking out from the back of a now rather large crowd that had formed due to the commotion of his arrest.

Feeling himself choking-up, Tae nodded towards Jungkook and mouthed, "I'm sorry.", as the police dragged him out of the club.

***Sorry for the hiatus...holiday & a new job = no time. Anyway...what did you all think about JK's button mishap on stage at PTD last night? I literally screamed when I saw it. I thought...Oh shit, we are gonna see JK's b-day outfit in real life! Anyway, I will try to update again this week. Please don't forget to press that star, comment, and share. It really helps keep a bitch motivated.

Peace & Love,


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