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Immediately, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook around the thighs and hauled his body up against his own right before kicking the door to the loft shut.

Their mouths crashed down on one another with such force that Jungkook thought he tasted blood, but he didn't care. All he could focus on right now was the professors hot tongue fighting with his own and the way Professor Kim tasted. And God...he tasted so fucking good.

Taehyung pulled away, biting on the youngers bottom lip, and looking in to JK's eyes said, "I am going to make you wish you had never met me little bunny. I am going to eat you alive and ruin your life. And when I'm done, you are going to beg me for more.".

As soon as the words left the professors lips, he came back in with ferocity that literally took the breath from JK. Professor Kim was kissing him so hard, that he couldn't breathe. The next thing he knew, he was being tossed onto a bed.

He hadn't even realized that he had been carried out of the living room and through the loft. Looking around, he noticed the vast windows lining the walls, the view of the Nakdong river and the spatter of lights on the surrounding streets.

Sitting there in the middle of the professor's large bed, on the softest deep emerald green bedding, the realization of where this night was about to lead, hit the boy like a ton of bricks.

Holy shit, Jungkook thought...this is happening...this is actually happening. Suddenly, he realized that he had been spaced out and hadn't noticed the professor standing in front of him...staring down at him with the most devilish look on his face. And in Professor Kim's hand, he held a black sued strap. Jungkook swallowed hard before sliding himself back, farther onto the bed, putting some distance between him and the professor.

"Where are you running to Jungkook?", the professor said in a low growl. "Don't you know that there is no escaping me now? You said you wanted said you wanted me to do anything to you...anything that I wanted to do. Do you remember that bunny? Hmmmmm?".

Clearing his throat, Jungkook suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He couldn't manage to make noise come out, all he could do was sit there on the professor's bed, and stare at this unbelievably sexy, and terrifying man standing in front of him.

Just as Jungkook was about to scoot himself off the opposite side of the bed, Taehyung reached his hand out and grabbed Jungkook by the leg, pulling him to the edge.
Shocked and excited, Jungkook jerked his chin up looking at the professor. Taehyung let out a low and seductive laugh as he watched the boy panic at his touch. If merely sitting on his bed was freaking the boy out this much, he was really going to love what was coming next.

"Take off your shirt!", Taehyung said. Jungkook swallowed and started with the buttons on his white shirt that he had put on before he left the house.

"Slowly! I want to enjoy it this time.", Taehyung demanded. One by one, Jungkook slowly worked his fingers over the buttons. When he got to the last button, he let the shirt hang, for just a moment before peeling it down his arms and letting it drop behind him on to the bed.

The professor inhaled sharply and licked his lips, as he appreciated the boy in front of him. His defined chest, his perfectly chiseled abs...the creamy smoothness of his skin. He reveled in it for just a moment before reaching his hand down and grabbing hold of the younger's wrists.

Placing both of Jungkook's hands together, he started wrapping the soft, sued strap around and around...binding the boy's wrists together. Jungkook felt as though his heart was going to burst straight out of his chest.

He and Jimin have never done anything like this. Nothing close to this. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew the way the professor was looking at him, had him getting hard already.

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