Playing With Fire

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Completely over this night and everything that has happened, Jungkook didn't even bother looking for his best friend. All he could think about was getting the fuck out of there and as far away from Professor Kim as he could. 

Making his way out of the club, he paused as he caught sight of something on the edge of the dance floor. He could not fucking believe what he was seeing. 

There on the dancefloor, grinding against one another was his best friend and the devil him fucking self, Professor Prick. 

What the fuck! Jungkook's heartbeat was in his ears and he tasted blood from the bite that he just inflicted on the inside of his cheek. He couldn't move. He just stood there and watched as his best friend smiled and flirted with the professor...his fucking professor...that the two of them were planning on ending. 

"What the fuck!", Jungkook now said aloud.  

Surly it was a mistake. He remembered that he never showed Jimin a picture of Professor Kim and therefore, he had no clue what or who he was messing with. And he was pretty sure that the professor had no idea that he was grinding on his best friend. He had never seen them together as far as he knew, but still...he didn't like it one bit and he sure as hell wasn't going to allow this shit.

Jungkook started to make his way over to rip Jimin out of the clutches of Satan when the professor looked straight at him. And by looked straight at him, he looked straight into his eyes with pure, evil intent, and licked his lips.

Before Jungkook could get one more foot in front of him, Professor Kim slid his hands around the back of Jimin's ass and leaned over to whisper something in his best friends' ear, but not before giving Jungkook a wink and a smile. 

Jungkook felt tears well up in his eyes. Watching the reaction of his best friend, how Jimin closed his eyes and leaned his head over, allowing the professor access to his neck, clueless to the fact that he was playing with fire, caused bile to rise up in Jungkook's throat.

About the time that Jungkook decided that he had witnessed enough and was ready to rip the professor's fucking head off, he saw Yoongi approaching the dance floor with a look of pure murder on his pale face. 

Jungkook watched as the small but scary boy tore Jimin out of the professor's arms and said something, which by the looks of it wasn't too nice. Jimin slapped him across the face and ran towards the exit.

Knowing that this just turned from bad to worse, Jungkook ran after his friend, running straight through Yoongi and the professor. Not bothering to look at either one of them, as all he could think about was the way his best friend looked at Yoongi before he slapped him and knowing damn well that he would need him to help piece together what was left of his heart. 

Fuck...I should have never allowed him to ask Yoongi for help, Jungkook thought to himself as he caught up to his best friend. He knew that it was a bad idea, but he wanted Jimin to be happy and he knew how much he had missed the elder. 

But still, he regretted it. This whole fucking night had been nothing but a shit show. "Jimin!!", Jungkook yelled out as he grabbed his best friend by the shirt and spun him around, so that he could look at his face. 

Jimin was crying, his beautiful face smeared with tears and Jungkook could think of nothing else to do but pull him to his chest and just hold him as tightly as he could. 

"I'm sorry.", Jungkook whispered against his best friend's head. Jimin just sobbed into Jungkook's t-shirt before pulling away to look him in the face. Jungkook has seen this look before. It was a look of desperation and longing. A look that screamed, "love me...please love me.". Jungkook didn't have time to speak before Jimin planted his lips against his and started feverishly kissing him.

Jungkook knew what was going to happen. This happened the last time that Jimin was hurt by Yoongi. He desperately needs to feel wanted; therefore, he turns to the person that he knows loves him the most and unconditionally; his best friend. 

Standing there on the side of the street, pressed up against the brick wall of the building, he let Jimin feel loved and take out all of his confused feelings on his body. He knew that he could figure out his own shit later, right now the most important thing was his best friend, so he put his frustrations concerning professor asshole to the back of his mind and pulled Jimin tighter. 

Tongues clashing and fingers roaming all over their bodies and through one another's hair, Jimin pulled away only to tell Jungkook to take him home. Jungkook knew what that meant, and he knew that the night was going to end a lot differently than both of the boys expected it to when they had first made the plans to go out tonight. 

Getting in the car and buckling his seatbelt, Jungkook looked over at his broken friend, who was staring out the window, his cheeks tearstained and his pretty lips swollen from their quick make out session. Jungkook sighed and cursed Yoongi under his breath, before starting the car and driving off.  

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