Just Having Fun

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Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath upon hearing the threatening, yet sexy tone of the professors statement. This is not at all what he wanted tonight. He needed to find Jimin and reassure his best friend that they were okay but seeing as though he was currently being led away from the dance floor and away from the crowd of people where Jimin might be, Jungkook had no idea where the night would lead, but he had a good feeling that it would have nothing to do with his original plan.

Glancing around for any sign of Chim, Jungkook almost felt frantic. He could now clearly tell that the professor wasn't fucking around and was actually maybe pissed, by the way the professor's hand was gripping his arm and pulling him along with a rather strong amount of force.

"Uhhhh...Professor Kim, where are we going?", Jungkook weakly said. The professor just ignored him and kept dragging him deeper into the club.

Looking up, Jungkook realized that they were headed towards the bathrooms, and not just the regular bathrooms, that were crowded and full of people, but instead...the VIP bathrooms, which only had one stall, and a door that would lock. Trying to pull out of the professor's surprisingly strong grip, Jungkook knew that he needed to avoid going in the small space at all costs. He could tell that the professor was serious, and to be honest, it frightened him.

"Professor Kim...PROFESSOR KIM!", the ravenette now shouted, as he tried to free himself from the elders vicelike grip. The professor slightly turned his head to glace and the boy, his icy glare, freezing Jungkook's words in his throat.

Fuck...Jungkook thought as he looked at the face of his professor. He was in trouble, and he knew it. Nervously laughing, the ravenette began panicking. "Shit.... shit...shit...I'm sorry okay.... I'm sorry Professor Kim...ha ha ha...I was just messing around with you...I was just having fu— ", his words broke off as he was roughly shoved through the door of the bathroom finding a shocked couple staring at the two of them upon their haste entrance.

"Get the fuck out!", the professor roared at the couple, who quickly gathered themselves and ran out of the bathroom.

Shoving Jungkook against the wall and away from his body, the professor reached behind himself, locking the door. Jungkook gulped, swallowing the massive lump that had instantly formed in his throat. Standing their completely freaked out and wide-eyed, all the boy could do was watch as his professor stalked towards him with the most menacing and yet disappointed look smeared across his handsome face.

"You were just having fun huh?", the professor whispered out as he placed both of his hands on the wall, caging Jungkook's head in-between his arms.

Jungkook remained frozen, unable to speak.

"Mmmmm...I see. So, this was just all some kind of fun for you then...is that right bunny? Just some kind of game to you...some kind of what...a prank?", he said tracing down the side of Jungkook's face with his long finger.

Again, Jungkook just stood there staring at the floor, not daring to make eye-contact.

"Let me guess...let's play with the hot new professor a little bit...be a naughty little student and get punished...then laugh and tell all of your stupid fucking friends how you made a fool out of the new teacher...is that it...is that what you wanted? Huh Mr. Jeon?", Taehyung asked, noticing the way the boys chest was heaving in nervousness.

"Are you going to talk Mr. Jeon? Don't you know that it is rude to ignore your professor when they call on you?", Taehyung said as he forcefully smacked the wall beside of Jungkook's head, causing the younger to flinch at the harsh sound.

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