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"Do you see him anywhere?", Jimin said, concern lacing his voice.

"Jimin, I can literally see everything that you see...he isn't out here.", Yoongi replied. He wasn't trying to upset his boyfriend, but from the second they ran out of the club after Jungkook, Jimin has asked him the same question every thirty seconds.

"It isn't like him to freak out like that. That's usually my specialty.", Jimin said. "But he has had such a hard time lately Yoongi. I swear the next time I see Professor Kim; I'm not just punching him...I'm going to rearrange that perfect fucking face of his!", the boy continued to rant.

Yoongi just shook his head and continued to scan the sidewalks and alleys as they drove down the street. After following the ravenette out of the club and seeing the direction he ran off, they raced to Yoongi's car and attempted to catch up with the boy, but it was almost as if he just disappeared.

Just as Jimin was getting ready to ask Yoongi for the thousandth time if he saw Jungkook, his phone vibrated.

Jimin squealed, "It's Kook!".

Yoongi waited for Jimin to start talking but realized that the boy was reading a text instead.

"Where is he Jimin?", Yoongi asked but received no response.

After a minute, and not getting a reply, the older boy looked over at Jimin only to see fat tears rolling down his cute chubby cheeks.

"Jimin, what is it?", Yoongi asked, now worried.

"Jimin!", again he tried to the get the others attention.

"Yoongi...I...I...I think...I...I...", the boy couldn't get the words to come out of his mouth.

Pulling the car over on the side of the road, Yoongi turned to face his now sobbing boyfriend and grabbed the phone from his hands. Reading the text himself, Yoongi shouted, "FUCK!".

"Jimin...Jimin, focus. Do you know where Jungkook would go? Do you have any idea how he would off himself if he were going to do that?", Yoongi urgently begged.

Jimin just sat there staring down at his empty hands, sobs beginning to take over his body.

"Jimin!", Yoongi shouted as he started shaking the bawling boy.

"Where the fuck could he have gone? Where the fuck could Jungkook be right now?", Yoongi yelled in Jimin's face as he continued to shake him by the shoulders.

"I...I can't lose him...I...I...can't lose him. Yoongi I can't!", Jimin now began to howl.

"You aren't going to lose him baby, but right now, you need to snap the fuck out of it, and tell me where he might be!", Yoongi said as he tried to get a hold of his frustration.

"I don't' know, Kook never talked about suicide. He never talked about hurting himself, he just wanted to graduate and get away from his family.", Jimin replied, taking a deep breath, and wiping his face with his hands.

"Shit!", Yoongi sighed, annoyed that they seem completely helpless and Jungkook is God knows where.

"Wait a minute.", Jimin said with mild excitement as he grabbed the phone out of Yoongi's lap.

"We have life 360 on our phones, so we would always know where the other one is. Kook hated it at first because his parents made him put it on his phone, but then we made it our thing, and it wasn't that bad anymore.". Jimin quietly said, with a slight twinge of hope, as he pulled up the app.

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