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Tae sat on his sofa chewing the side of his nail, staring at his phone...willing it to ring, vibrate, chime, or anything...anything to alert him that a certain ravenette had received his voice mail. It was now morning, and Tae had sat up the entire night waiting to hear back from Jungkook. He knew the boy was upset with him, and he knew that it might take a couple of days to get a response, but he couldn't help but hope in the deepest parts of his heart that upon hearing that he loved him, the boy would call.

But he returned text.

Yawning and determining that he couldn't sit around any longer before going crazy, the professor decided to go grab a coffee and some breakfast at the café near school. He knows that Jungkook and Jimin like to frequent the place, so he was hoping that he might get lucky and run into them. Well, if he was truly lucky, he would not run into Jimin...that boy had it out for him, but...if he could just lay his eyes on his bun, Tae was sure that all would be set right in the world.

Throwing on a jacket and shoes, the professor grabbed his keys and phone, and headed out the door.

The entire drive, Taehyung's thought were occupied with visions of the ravenette. His raven soft and the way it smelled faintly of strawberries and something clean and fresh. His pink lips, so small, yet plump and how they felt pressed against his own. Jungkook's adorable bunny smile...Tae made a mental note to make sure to make the boy smile more often in the future, so that he could see that adorable smile on a more frequent basis. But perhaps Tae's favorite thing that he couldn't wait to see was Jungkook's big doe eyes, so full of wonder and promise. Tae couldn't wait to get lost in those eyes again.

That boy had affected him more in a short amount of time than anyone ever has in his life. Tae was so thankful for Jungkook...thankful for his smart mouth...thankful for his kind eyes...thankful for his caring touch...thankful for his beautiful heart, the heart that Tae hoped to make his...for the rest of their lives.

As crazy as it sounded, Taehyung knew that Jungkook was his person...forever, and even though the boy still had to attend university, Tae didn't care. He would be there waiting for Jungkook, cheering him on every step of the way, until the day that they could be official and share the rest of their lives with one another.

Pulling into the café, the professor scanned the parking lot for a familiar black Mercedes. He felt a twinge of disappointment when he didn't see it anywhere, but maybe he would luck out after all and the boy would be inside anyway, having caught a ride with Jimin instead of bringing his own car.


After placing his coffee order, the professor stood at the pastry counter scanning over the assortment of breakfast foods, trying to figure out what looked appealing. As he was examining his options, he heard the chime of the door, signifying the arrival of a customer. With urgency, the professor turned around hoping to see his raven-haired boy walking in, only to be disappointed when he saw two familiar female students, both lost deep in conversation with the another looking at something on the one girls phone.

Turning his attention back to the sweet treats spread out before him, Tae didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, however, the girls seemed very upset about something, and it wasn't like they were being quite about it.

Continuing to wait for his order, he couldn't help but hear the girls. They kept going on about how awful whatever was, and how they just couldn't believe that something like that had happened. And whatever it was, it was apparently on someone's birthday.

Just as the barista handed Tae his coffee, the shorter of the two girls said, "Yeah, and like, how did he drown anyway? He was the captain of our swim team.".

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