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Jungkook jumped in the shower, getting himself ready to go to the club and make amends with Jimin. He could tell that his bestie was upset when he left, and he didn't want to leave things like this between the two of them. He and Jimin never fought, but since Professor Fuck Face came into the picture, that seems like it's all they do, and Jungkook needed his friend now more than ever, he was, sore as fuck and getting ready to go to a noisy ass club.

Getting out of the shower and walking into his closet, he decided to go with something simple yet club appropriate...light-washed ripped jeans, a white button down shirt, and a burgundy jacket, paired with black half boots.

Spraying on some cologne and putting on a small bit of eyeliner and gloss, Jungkook fluffed his hair, grabbed his keys, and made his way out the door.


Taehyung was fastening his watch when something caught his attention. Bending down, he discovered a small silver earring laying at the corner of his nightstand, slightly hidden in the plush rug that his bed sat on. Rolling the hoop between his fingers, his breath hitched in his throat as he recalled exactly where he had seen this little piece of metal before.

He vividly remembered holding the same silver earring between his teeth as he pulled on a certain raven-haired boys ear as he was pounding into his tight little ass. "Fuck" ...the professor cursed to himself as he laid the small piece of jewelry on his night table and walked out of his bedroom.

He can't go more than five fucking minutes without thinking about Jeon Jungkook and it was getting on his last damn nerve. Regardless of who he brings home tonight, he knows one thing for sure...he will fuck them so hard that he fucks the ravenette straight out of his memory.


Jungkook hadn't thought about how he was going to get into the club once he got there and was met with a very disapproving bouncer. Jungkook started to panic thinking that he was going to have to go back home, when he spotted Jimin and his feline-looking boyfriend and shouted out, "There...hey.... Yoongi...Jimin!! See...I know them!".

Giving Jungkook a confused look, the bouncer said, "You know Yoongi? Min Yoongi?".

"Duh dude...that's my best bro's boyfriend. That's what I've been trying to tell you.", the younger said rolling his eyes rather dramatically. Seemingly satisfying the stern bouncers requirements, Jungkook bowed quickly and wasted no time heading inside when the large man raised the velvet rope, gaining him entrance to the establishment.

FUCKTHEPOPULATION by $uicideboy$ was blasting so loudly that Jungkook could feel it thumping his organs around on the inside of his body. The club was dark, smokey and the red lights casting a dim glow on the dance floor made the clubs interior look like hell. With people grinding on each other, being all seductive and sultry, coupled with the DJ's song choice, Jungkook found himself slightly entranced, mesmerized by the overall vibe.

Looking around the club for his best friend, he finally spotted the small boy who was pressed up against his boyfriend out on the dancefloor. Jimin and Yoongi were slowly grinding their bodies together to the beat of the song. Jimin's back pressed against Yoongi's front, with Yoongi's veiny hand splayed across Jimin's lower abdomen, with his thumb hooked into the front of Jimin's black jeans, pressing him as close as humanly possible as they rolled their hips at the same time.

Jungkook stood there frozen for a second and then felt himself swallow harder than necessary. Holy shit...was he getting turned on watching his best friend grind with his boyfriend? Fuck... Jungkook thought as he snapped his gaping mouth closed. But just as he felt his ears heat up in embarrassment, the DJ switched the song to Streets by Doja Cat.

Closing his eyes, Jungkook took a deep breath, remembering the last time he heard this song. It was this very club.

He was pressed up against the wall in a dark alcove, begging the professor to touch him. And as much as he hated the professor, he couldn't help but get lost in the memory of that night.

Eyes closed, and involuntarily swaying his body to the rhythm of the song, Jungkook allowed himself to go through every detail of their time together not just that night, but last night as well.

The professor's hands roaming all over his naked body, their sweaty skin pressed tightly against each other, the deep growl the professor would make when he was feeling so good... the way the professor made him feel so good...made him scream...made him moan...made him cum.

Jungkook unconsciously let his hand slide from his neck, down the front of his chest and lower, down onto his stomach as he remembered the way the professor's own hand had slid down the front of his body.

Still with his eyes closed and completely lost in the moment, the boy licked his lips, recalling the way the professor's sweat soaked hair stuck to his beautiful face and the way he would throw his head back as he snapped his hips forward, thrusting himself into Jungkook. The way his brows would scrunch together, and the intense way that he would suck in a sharp breath before releasing the most wonderful sounds that Jungkook has ever heard.

Feeling himself growing hard at the memory, Jungkook opened his eyes to adjust his now tight jeans, only to find himself face to face with a set of amber eyes and one extremely sexy yet intimidating boxy smile.

"Well, hello bunny.".

**** I think this is the shortest chapter I've written so far, but I am home and dying with my period, so I thought that I would take the opportunity to write a little. Hope you all liked it and are looking forward to what is next. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long story considering the fact that I am on chapter 31 already and there is so much shit I want to do with this. Plus... I am just having fun thinking all of this shit up. Please don't forget to hit that STAR and SHARE the fuck out of this with your fellow Taekook or BL lovers. AGAIN....THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I Love You All.

Peace & Love,


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