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Jungkook could not believe what he was hearing. Did Professor Kim just tell him to take off his shirt so he could wear it? 

What the actual fuck, Jungkook thought to himself. Whatever though. Standing here staring at Professor Kim, shirtless, with his caramel-colored skin looking as smooth as silk and his hair all fucked up on his head...damn, it was something Jungkook had only fantasied about until now. 

This was his moment to show the professor that he was DTF and he wasn't about to blow it. 

Reaching down and making sure to keep eye contact with the professor, Jungkook slowly peeled off his gray hoodie. He knew that his body was amazing, and he took his time allowing Professor Kim to get an eye full. 

After completely removing his hoodie he held out his hand, offering the shirt to the elder. Jungkook had never felt so vulnerable before this moment. He had been butt naked with Jimin and showered in the locker room after swim meets with lots of other guys, but he had never felt as naked as he did right now, even though he was still wearing pants. 

Waiting for the professor to say something, Jungkook licked his lips and shook the shirt at him. He was not expecting what happened next. 

Professor Kim walked closer to him, completely bypassing his outstretched hand and just as he got close enough that Jungkook could feel their bare skin touch, Professor Kim said, "I changed my mind.", and turned around and walked into another room.

Fuming, Jungkook shoved his hoodie back over his head. Completely confused and furious, he wondered what he had done to cause the professor to change his mind. 

Did Professor Kim not like what he saw after he took off his shirt? Did he turn him off in some way? All of these thoughts kept swimming around in JK's mind and he didn't hear the professor walk back in the room. 

"You aren't mad, are you?", the professor asked. 

"I...uh...I.... ummmm, why did you change your mind?", Jungkook whimpered out and was immediately disgusted with himself upon hearing the words leave his lips. 

"Well, I thought that you would have nothing to wear back home and that might look...ya know... a little weird.", Taehyung replied. 

Jungkook nodded as though he understood and believed the professor, even though he wasn't sold on that answer.

"Why bunny...did you think there was another reason that I wouldn't want to be wrapped up in your soft gray hoodie? Hmmm?", the professor said as he sauntered closer to JK. 

"I mean...don't get me wrong, you do look so soft and so smooth...I would love to see how you feel against my skin.", he continued. 

"You mean, my hoodie looks so soft and smooth.", JK said. 

"Yeah...it too.", Professor Kim said with a wink as he ran his long slim fingers against the fabric covering Jungkook's chest, grazing over his tight nipple. 

Jungkook sucked in a breath and felt his eyes roll back. He wanted to be touched...he wanted to know what it felt like to be pressed against the professor's skin. 

Taking several steps forward, the professor forced Jungkook to step back until his knees were against the seat of the sofa. 

Losing his balance, Jungkook fell back into the plush fabric of the sofa, causing a swooshing sound to escape from the cushion. Just then, Professor Kim sank down to his knees between Jungkook's thighs and placed his hands on both sides of Jungkook's hips. 

 "Mmmmm, don't you want to know why you are here bunny?", the professor asked. 

Moving up closer, leaning his torso over Jungkook's lap, he stared the boy directly in the eyes as he licked his lips. 

"Answer me bunny...don't you want to know why I brought you here...to my home?". 

 Then the professor sank his hands in between the cushions where Jungkook was sitting, causing his face to rest against JK's chest. Moving his hands in an up and down motion, the professor's body was rubbing directly against Jungkook's abdomen and crotch. 

The ravenette could feel his dick swelling to the point of explosion with each motion. 

"Bunny...I am not going to ask you to tell me again...do you want to know why you are here...in my house!". 

Now, the motion had gotten harder and deeper on each side of Jungkook's body, causing the friction of the professor's chest against Jungkook's crotch to become unbearable. Jungkook felt like he was going to cum in his pants at any given second. 

"Mmmmm...yea...yes!!! I want to know...tell me why I am here!", he moaned out.

 And just as the words fell desperately off his lips, he heard a jingle and the professor pulled away from him, stood to his feet and said, "I locked my keys in my car at the school and needed to come back and get the extra set. I remember they fell out of my pocket and went in between the cushions on my couch".

 For the second time in his life, Jungkook felt the blood rush to his head in pure rage. He wanted to shove Pretty Professor Kim Taehyung straight through his expensive fucking window and watch him plummet to the hard ground below. 

With his fist balled up tightly against his hips, he pushed himself up off the couch and said, "Then you got what you wanted, lets fucking go.".

Taehyung was having too much fun with the ravenette. He was too predictable. In time, this anger filled, eager boy was going to be his and his alone. Jungkook had already proven that he was a submissive and that he would do anything the professor asked of him, so he knew that when the time was right, he would break that beautiful boy and fuck him senseless. 

Today however was not the day. Besides, that was most of the fun...the chase and the thrill that came with the anticipation. Sure, he loved to go out and just fuck some random person from time to time when he needed some relief, but finding someone to be a regular submissive fuck was different. 

This was going to be someone that he actually had some kind of relationship with, and even though Jungkook was of age, he was still a student of his and that could get tricky if they were caught. 

So...Taehyung would bide his time, devise a plan, and have some fun in the process.  

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