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As Taehyung pulled his SUV into his parking spot at the loft, his mind was racing a hundred miles per hour. He couldn't believe that the younger told him to take him home, knowing exactly what "take me home", would lead to. But here they were, and neither one of them were saying a word. 

 Taehyung turned the car off, but before he could reach for the door handle to exit, Jungkook bolted from his seat and climbed across the center console, straddling him, slamming his soft pink lips against his own. Taehyung grabbed the ravenette by the back of the hair and tugged his head slightly backward, giving him better access to the boy's delicious mouth.

All that could be heard was the soft moans coming from the younger and the deep throaty growls that Taehyung emitted every time the raven-haired boy bit and sucked on his bottom lip. And to add to the intensity, with each kiss, Jungkook ground himself against Taehyung, causing them to both become unbearably hard.

"Ahhhhh baby boy, you are going to need to slow down, or we aren't going to make it in the house.", Taehyung breathed out against the boys' lips.

"I don't care about the fucking house...just fuck me here.", Jungkook moaned as he grinded himself harder against the professor's crotch.

And Jungkook really didn't care. For once since all of this nonsense started, he didn't care about anything but how good the professor felt under him, and how delectable the professor tasted. He couldn't think of anything other than this moment...this feeling...this man that was driving him fucking crazy and how bad he wanted this to happen.

Moving down from Taehyung's mouth, Jungkook began his assault on the professor's neck. Licking and sucking in the tender space connecting the professor's collarbone and shoulder. Jungkook was eager to make his mark on the elder, letting the professor know that he has been here...and to remind the professor of this exact moment, every time he looked at his reflection for the next few days.

Taehyung's head fell back against the headrest of his leather seat as Jungkook licked, sucked, and bit his neck. Fuck...this boy knew what he was doing. He felt so good. Grinding on his dick and sucking his neck; Taehyung knew that he would most definitely have a hickey there tomorrow, but he could care less. There was no way he was stopping the boy...not when it felt like this.

"I want to feel you Professor Kim...I want to feel you right now.", Jungkook said as he reached down between them and started undoing the professor's belt.

Jungkook thought that the professor may object, but he quickly had his belt unfastened and the button of his slacks undone, and as his fingers were working the professor's zipper down, Professor Kim started undoing Jungkook's jeans.

"Fuck yeah baby. I am so hard for you. Do you feel what you've done to me baby boy?", Taehyung said as he allowed Jungkook to free him from the strict confines of his black pants, eager to feel the boys skin on him.

"Mmmmmhmm.", Jungkook moaned as he wrapped his hand around the professor's hard cock and pulled it free from the fabric.

God...this dick, Jungkook thought to himself as he looked at the long, thick member splayed against his palm. He has fantasized about this dick since the first time he laid eyes on it. He has dreamed of the way it tastes...the way it feels...the way it will make him feel.

"Yeah, baby boy.", Taehyung said as the younger quickly spit on his dick and started stroking him with long quick pumps, while pushing the tip of his finger in his slit, smearing the clear pre-cum over the swollen head.

Jungkook continued to stroke the professor as he grinded himself against the his thighs. 

Looking at the sheer beauty riding him while looking completely fucked out already, Taehyung was sure that he would never recover from this.

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