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Jungkook hid behind the stairs and watched as his friend punched the man, he was crazy about, straight in his beautiful face. And as thankful as the ravenette was for his protective friend, he couldn't help but wince at the sight of Professor Kim being hurt. Jungkook stood there in the shadows of the stairs and hoards of people, as he tried his best to decipher what was being said between the two men. Professor Kim looked angry, but more than anything, he looked worried, and filled with panic.

Unsure of what was being said, Jungkook saw the professor wipe blood off his lip and attempt to walk away, only to be stopped by Jimin. The next words that the professor said, Jungkook couldn't hear, but whatever they were, they were said through pure rage. A shiver made its way down Jungkook's spine as he took in the deadly look the professor was giving his best-friend. Just as the ravenette was about to intervene, a crowd of people started walking towards him, and leading the charge, was the police and the VIP that he had been with earlier.

Shit...shit...shit, Jungkook thought to himself, as he suddenly realized that he was now surrounded by a mob of people.

Jungkook helplessly watched as the police officer grabbed the professor and forcefully turned him around, pinning his hands behind his back, while putting handcuffs on the same slender wrists that had pinned him to the wall mere moments ago.

The boy felt panic, guilt and tears, rise up in his throat, and before he could do anything, a set of amber eyes locked on his, and the sweetest lips he had ever known, said, "I'm sorry.".

The look of pure remorse and sadness blanketed the professors gorgeous face, and the second the cops escorted him out of the club, Jungkook felt the room spinning and unexpectedly, everything went black.

"Wake him the fuck up! That little piece of homewrecking shit!".

Jungkook opened his eyes to find Jimin standing over him with a glass of ice-water and a cold towel pressed to his head. The sound was still muffled, but someone was yelling. The ravenette couldn't make out who it was or where it was coming from, but whoever it was sounded furious.

Trying to sit up, the raven-haired boy locked eyes with a very angry looking Yoongi who seemed occupied with keeping someone behind him, and behind him was the man who belonged to the voice he heard, and that man was none other than his new dean...Professor Kim's husband.

"You finally woke up you piece of shit! I am going to have you expelled! You are nothing but trash! Because of you, my Taebear got arrested! You homewrecking slut! Stay the hell away from Taehyung and stay the fuck out of our lives!", Dean Kim shouted to the top of his lungs, aggressively lunging towards Jungkook.

Yoongi held off the angered man while he whistled for his security friends to come escort the dean out, but before they took him away, he pointed right at Jungkook and said, "I know your parents...I know the colleges you have applied to...I know how to make your whole pathetic life crumble around you! Just keep that in mind the next time you think about coming near my husband because I can and I will make good on that threat!", and with those words, the dean walked out, fussing the whole way with the security guards.

Jungkook felt himself fall into the chest of his best friend, as sobs wracked his body. He had no idea what he was going to do, but the dean was right...this was all his fault, and now, Professor Kim was arrested, and he was the cause. He was a slut...if he could've just kept his dick in his pants, this would have never happened. He is trash. He is a piece of shit...he is a homewrecker. Jungkook swiftly got up and ran out of the club, completely ignoring the shouts from Jimin and Yoongi, telling him to wait...to stop.

The ravenette ran...and ran...and ran. He had no idea where he was going, but he felt like his skin was going to come off if he didn't get away. All he could see was the look on Professor Kim's face as they were taking him away. He was so sad...and so beautiful.

Tears were streaming so hard down Jungkook's face that he could hardly see where he was going. His lungs were stinging, and his feet were begging him to stop; but he couldn't, because if he stopped, the truth would catch up with him and he didn't think...no, he knew with all certainty that he wouldn't be able to handle it if it did.

Grabbing the chains that were wrapped around his torso, Jungkook ripped them from his body, screaming out as though the metal was scorching his skin. Flinging the chains, the ravenette kept running.

Jungkook was unsure of how much time and distance had passed before he finally came to a stop, a dead end. There, he found himself face to face with the riverbank of the Nakdong River. And listening to the sound of the currant and the erratic beating of his heart, all Jungkook could think about was letting the black waves swallow him whole.

That was the only thing that he thought would take away the pain he was feeling in his chest. He hurt...and he had caused so much hurt to others.

Standing on the edge of the river, he felt tears trickle down his cheeks and drop onto his bare chest. All he could see was the professor and his stupid boxy smile, his long slender fingers, his mop of chocolate hair that was so silky and soft, when he ran his hands through it. The way the professor's lips felt when they were pressed against his own, the way the professor was so possessive over him, the way he dominated him in every way, even though he could easily overpower the professor if he wanted to. The way the professor made him feel when he made love to him the last time. The cute mole on the tip of his nose, the way the professor called him "bun".

Now full on sobbing and with shaking hands, Jungkook took his phone out of his pocket and typed a text.

Chiminchi: Chim...thank you for always being the only person who has ever loved me and stayed by my side through it all. You are my soulmate...my best friend. Please forgive me.

One more thing, Chim...please do me a favor...please tell Professor Kim that I am sorry, and that I loved him. I know...shocker...I fell so hard for that man...I loved him so much Chim. And even though I shouldn't have, I did so so much. Please tell him that I forgive him for lying to me, but I can't forgive myself, and as pathetic as it is, I can't carry this weight anymore. The pressure is too great. The pressure from my parents, the pressure of constantly being compared to my brother, the pressure to be perfect...but mostly, I can't carry the pressure of being in love with a man that I can never have. The weight is too heavy, and I am tired.

I am so tired Chiminchi. I love you...and I am sorry.

With Love,


Pressing send, Jungkook shoved his phone back in his pocket, wiped his face, closed his eyes, and fell. 

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