Kill Me Now

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Unable to move, Jungkook could not believe his luck. He would recognize that voice from anywhere, but right now all he could focus on was the dick that was getting hard in his pants. 

You have got to be fucking kidding me, he thought to himself. Just as he thought he might be able to make a break for it, the strong hand holding his elbow, decided to snake its way around his waist and Jungkook was certain that he was going to die right there on the spot. 

The smell that filled his nostrils was a mixture of lavender, vanilla, alcohol and sex. It was literally the most amazing smell he had ever experienced. The professor didn't say another word, he just spread his long fingers out across Jungkook's abs and moved himself closer to the younger's backside, pressing his long-fit body up against Jungkook. 

Jungkook took a deep breath and tried to gather himself before he completely lost himself in the feeling of his teacher...his fucking hot teacher...his fucking hot teacher that he had vowed to ruin, who was now grinding on him in the middle of a club, to undoubtedly one of the most sexual songs in the history of music.

Just as Jungkook thought that he was getting a grip on himself, Professor Kim placed his lips against his ear and said, "What are you doing here baby boy? This is no place for little kids.". 

This made Jungkook furious, yet wildly turned on, but at the moment, the fury won and prompted him to turn around to look Professor Dick in the face and give him a piece of his mind. Just as Jungkook spun around to tell the professor off, he came face to face with the most exquisite thing he has ever seen. 

There, standing mere inches from him was his professor looking like pure sin wearing black leather pants with studded harnesses around his thighs, a black silk shirt unbuttoned midway down, exposing a smooth defined chest and to top it all off, he had on a silk duster adorned with small white flowers. He was the perfect balance of sex, sin and...well, just more sex. 

Jungkook forgot what he was going to say. He just stood there staring at the professor, unable to move. Professor Kim just smiled this "I know baby", grin and Jungkook could have burst into flames. 

"Kill me now.", Jungkook said accidentally out loud. Professor Kim chuckled and licked his lips before pulling the ravenette closer to him and whispering in his ear, "not yet baby boy, patience.", and Jungkook felt his soul leave his body as Professor Kim's lips grazed his neck before pulling away and leading him off the dancefloor.

Making his way to a dark corner with his little class-clown, Taehyung couldn't help but feel amused at how fate had stepped in and changed the course of his night. There he was leaned up against the bar scouting the dancefloor for his next target when what does he see...there in the middle of the dancefloor was his ravenette. 

Dressed like he was looking for some attention in black leather pants and a fitted suit jacket, he was swaying those pretty hips and rolling his body like he had some experience riding a dick. He stood there watching the boy before finishing his drink and deciding to go over and no doubt give his student the surprise of his life. 

Professor Kim could feel the nervousness radiating off of Jungkook as he led him off the dancefloor and through the club. Spotting a small dimly lit hallway off the side of the dancefloor, which seemed to lead out to an emergency exit, Taehyung decided this was the perfect spot to have some fun. 

Pulling Jungkook down the hallway, Taehyung suddenly stopped, spinning around and shoving Jungkook up against the wall. "So, tell me baby boy...what do you think you are doing here? Huh? You like breaking the rules don't you baby? You like being naughty?", Kim Taehyung continued his questioning, not giving Jungkook the chance to speak. 

Listening to his professor interrogate him, Jungkook just stood there with his eyes all wide, and his pretty lips parted, looking like a nervous wreck, watching his sex God of a professor eyeball him as though he were a piece of meat, that he was getting ready to devour. 

Getting high on Jungkook's nervousness, Taehyung ran his hand down the side of boys face, allowing his fingers to graze over Jungkook's parted lips, then down to his chiseled chest and on down to his abs, finally ending at the waistband of his pants. 

Jungkook thought that he was going to faint at the way the professor touched him. Just as he thought he was going to black out, Professor Kim cupped his dick through his pants. Professor Kim's whole hand wrapped itself around his girth and the professor gave him a very hard squeeze. 

That's it, Jungkook thought...I'm going down. Holding his breath, his whole body froze, and he closed his eyes allowing a small moan to escape his lips.

Upon hearing the moan that betrayed the ravenette, Professor Kim growled and moved his lips centimeters from Jungkook's. 

"Mmmmmm, you like that don't you baby. You like the feeling of me squeezing your dick, don't you? You want me to touch you don't you baby boy?". 

Jungkook couldn't speak...he couldn't process anything at all, besides the feeling of Professor Kim's warm hand holding his dick, the professor's plump lips speaking to him in that way and the sound of "Streets", by Doja Cat playing in the background. 

Nodding his head, Jungkook opened his eyes only to see the professor staring at him like he was possessed. 

"No baby boy, that won't do. I need to hear you say it. Tell me, tell me to touch you. Tell me you need me to touch you.", the professor whispered against his lips. 

Throwing all self-respect out the window and allowing himself to be overcame by whatever spell the professor had cast on him, Jungkook said through a breathy moan, "Yes! I want you to touch me.". 

"Who baby boy...who do you want to touch you?", the professor said. 

"You... I want you to touch me.", Jungkook groaned out as the professor tightened his grip. 

"And what is my fucking name baby boy? Say my fucking name when you tell me to touch you!", the professor growled out. 

Jungkook swallowed hard and damn near yelled out, "Touch me Professor Kim! I need you to touch me NOW!".

Professor Kim smiled the most devilish smile that Jungkook had ever seen smeared across human lips. 

Jungkook braced himself for what was coming next, but what happened, he never expected. 

Professor Kim took a step closer and placed his thigh between Jungkook's legs, pressing himself against Jungkook's throbbing dick. 

Moving closer and making sure to give the boy some much wanted friction, the professor leaned in to Jungkook's neck, running his tongue from the ravenettes collarbone up to his ear, where he caught the tip of Jungkook's lobe with his teeth and tugged before whispering, "Now, now... Mr. Jeon...why exactly would I do something like that?".

And after planting a small kiss on the shell of Jungkook's ear, the professor just walked away. 

No looking fuck anything. 

The mother fucker just walked away, leaving Jungkook leaned up against the wall with a raging hard-on and zero dignity. 

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