Drugs and Lies

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Jimin was worried, it wasn't like Jungkook to not pick up when he called or not reply to his texts within seconds of getting them. He wasn't worried about what had happened between them, it wasn't the first time they had went that far with one another and knowing them, it probably wouldn't be the last. However, Jimin was worried that something else was bothering his friend. 

 He barely remembered the crazed look in Jungkook's eyes as he chased him out of the club away from jealous Yoongi and the insanely sexy stranger. 

"Weird", Jimin said to himself as he recalled the look on his friend's face but chalked it up to nothing more than being uncomfortable with the slap and drama with his on again off again boyfriend. And just as he had decided to make his way over to Jungkook's house to make sure that he was okay and didn't actually have something going on with his parents, his phone dinged.


And as concerned as Jimin was over his best friend, he couldn't help himself. He was an addict after all, and right now, his drug of choice just told him he needed to see him.


Grabbing the keys to his Mercedes, Jungkook made his way out of his house, in hopes to go to Jimin's and talk about what had taken place the night before. He didn't care about the sex that took place between them, what concerned him was the fact that his best friend appeared to be one second away from becoming the Good Professors late night snack. 

Just thinking about the way Professor Kim was pressed up against Jimin and talking to him in his ear, made Jungkook's blood boil. How dare he...he knew exactly what he was doing. Jungkook shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the image of Professor Kim's hypnotizing eyes locked on his own, full of intent, all the while whispering God knows what to Jimin. 

Jungkook had to warn his best friend to stay away from the Professor and hopefully, last nights little drama didn't cause any serious issues between him and Yoongi, even though JK wished that Jimin could just leave the e-boy alone once and for all. Although Yoongi had never laid hands on Jimin, his jealously was terrifying. 

But no matter how crazy things were between the two of them, they couldn't stand to be apart. Just like junkies searching for their next high...that was Jimin and Yoongi.

Jungkook arrived at Jimin's house before he realized it. He had been so lost in his thoughts the whole way there that he didn't even remember most of the drive. Striding up the concrete walkway, he was met by Mrs. Park. 

"Oh, hey Jungkook if you are looking for Jimin, you just missed him. He said he was going to meet his friend.", she laughed and said, "I thought he meant you, but here you are. Hmmm". 

Jungkook knew exactly who the "friend" was that Jimin went to see but considering the mess that Jimin was left in the last time he and Yoongi split up, he knew that Jimin's mom would have a fit if she found out that her precious baby boy was seeing the toxic e-boy again. 

So...Jungkook did what any best friend would do...he put on his biggest smile, looked Jimin's mom straight in the face and he lied. "Oh no Mrs. Park...you are right! I am such a ditz sometimes. I was meeting him at the coffee shop. Sheesh, I don't know where my head is at these days!". 

Mrs. Park must've bought it because she just smiled and nodded, making her way past him to get in her own car. Then waving goodbye, she smiled and drove away, leaving Jungkook standing on the walkway in front of her house.

Unsure of what he should do next, he decided that a coffee actually sounded pretty good and so he climbed into his black Mercedes and made his way to his and Jimin's favorite coffee shop across from the school.

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