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Jimin found himself face down on Yoongi's bed. This was nothing new, every time they were together, this is how Jimin always ended up. He wasn't for sure, but he had a suspicion that his boyfriend was somewhat of a dom and enjoyed punishing him whenever they fought, or things didn't go the way Yoongi wanted. 

Jimin was panting, with tears building in his eyes as Yoongi continued to mindlessly pound into him. It was almost as though Yoongi tried to fuck his apology into Jimin's ass and that was the only way he knew how to make up for whatever he was being a dickhead over. 

But Jimin didn't care, he loved it. He loved the way Yoongi took control of his body and claimed it as his own. He loved the way the pale boy wrapped his slender fingers around his throat and pressed just hard enough to make him a little light-headed. He loved the way that Yoongi growled his name as he rammed into him over and over again, as if he just couldn't get enough of him. 

He loved feeling like he was irreplaceable, like he was special in some way. Jungkook was a wonderful lover, but he was gentle and sweet. Yoongi fucked as though he was trying to snatch the life right out of you. 

He fucked like he was fucking you for the first and the last time...every time. He fucked like an animal. Yoongi was primal, beast-like...evil. He was everything that Jimin wanted...needed...craved, and right now, face down, with his hands pinned behind his back, Jimin was in heaven.

The elevator ride was the most awkward thing that Jungkook has ever experienced. No one said a word, and Professor Kim just stood on the opposite side of the steel box staring at him with this crazy grin on his face. And somewhere between the ground and fourth floor, the professor had made his way mere inches from Jungkook.

He was standing so close that Jungkook couldn't help but close his eyes and inhale the intoxicating sent that he remembered smelling at the club when they were pressed so closely together. With his eyes closed and his head leaned against the wall of the elevator, Jungkook felt the slightest brush of what felt like lips on the side of his neck.

"Don't be nervous Mr. Jeon...I won't bite.", the professor whispered in his ear. Allowing his eyes to flitter open, Jungkook found himself basically nose to nose with the beautiful professor. Unintentionally, Jungkook licked his lips, earning him an approving look and smile from Professor Kim.

Jungkook wasn't sure what was going to happen here in this warehouse, but he didn't care at this point. Standing here, close enough to feel the professor's body heat, smelling his intoxicating sent, feeling the soft brush of his lips on his neck as he whispered in his ear...Jungkook knew right then and there that he would do anything the professor asked him to do.

He surrendered...he gave up...he lost...Professor Kim won! He didn't care anymore about ruining the professor's career. All he cared about at this minute was the way his dick was suffocating in his jeans and how he wanted the beautiful man standing in front of him to give him release.

Just as Jungkook leaned his head forward to press his lips to Professor Kim's, the ding of the door chimed and the professor said, "We are here...let's go.".

Stepping off of the elevator, the guys were met by an oversized metal door. Professor Kim typed in a code and with a beep and click of the latch, they were walking into an unbelievable loft. 

"Is this where you live?", Jungkook asked, his tone laced with disbelief.

The windows went from the ceiling to the floor. The ceilings had to be over twenty feet high and there was a maze of black pipes and duct work weaved all along the top. The furniture was very modern and minimalist, yet expensive.

"Are you rich or something?", Jungkook asked before he could stop himself.

"Bunny is full of questions, isn't he?", the professor said as he made his way over to the gray and black kitchen. 

Confused, Jungkook said, "bunny?".

Taehyung chuckled as he opened the fridge and retrieved a couple of seltzer waters from the sleek stainless-steel appliance.

"Yeah, bunny...has anyone ever told you that you have a little bunny smile?", the professor said as he walked over and handed Jungkook one of the drinks.

"I can't say they have. Well, Jimin sometimes says that I look like a bunny when I smile and scrunch my nose up, but I don't realize that I am doing it.", Jungkook realized that he mentioned his best friends name and froze, waiting on the professor's response, but Professor Kim didn't even flinch.

Maybe he really didn't know that Jimin was my best friend after all, he thought. Taking a sip of the water, Jungkook felt himself relax just a bit. That was until he spotted his professor peeling off his shirt.

"Uhhhh, ummmm...I really need to", his words cut short as the professor turned around and smiled at him. 

"Relax baby boy, this sweater is itchy, and I need to change." 

"Uh...yeah...I know, I just.", Jungkook decided to give up trying to justify his panic and took another sip of the bubbly water.

How cute, Taehyung thought to himself as he watched the youngers eyes get even bigger than normal as the panic of seeing his professor shirtless set in. This prompted the professor to have a little more fun than he was intending to have with the boy today, so he threw his shirt in the couch and decided that instead of going and getting a shirt out of his closet he would see just how far this bunny would go for him.

Walking over to Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help but smile. The sip of water that Jungkook just took turned into a giant gulp. His eyes wider than ever and he unintentionally took a step back. He never broke eye contact though. He just stood there...frozen in place.

Just as Taehyung closed the distance between the two of them, he brought his hand out and grabbed the hem of Jungkook's gray hoodie.

"This looks soft and comfy. Take it off, I want to wear it.", Taehyung demanded in a low and forceful voice. 

Shocked with eyes wide, the boy just stood there with his mouth open, holding his bottle of water.

"Ummmm, what?", Jungkook said. 

"You heard me baby...take off your shirt, I want to wear it, my shirt is itchy, and I don't want to wear it anymore.".

And just when Taehyung thought that Jungkook would protest and deny him his request, the younger boy sat down his bottle on the side table, grabbed the hem of his hoodie and slowly pulled it up over his head.

Taehyung stood there watching the boy, admiring him...looking at his perfectly sculpted abs, his chiseled chest and the delicious V that led beneath the waistband of his jeans.

There was absolutely no doubt about it...Jeon Jungkook was perfection and after this little display of submission...he was all his.

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