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"Aww they're cute".

Baby groaned and curled further into the heat source. His cold blooded body instinctively seeking warmth. There was a sarcastic coo from above them then the sharp clapping of hands. "Wake up!"

Baby jerked. His head, which had fallen on Stiles' shoulder during the night, banged against the window harshly. He groaned sleepily as Stiles ran a hand over his face. Baby's legs were half on the dark haired boy's lap. Obviously he had tried to get as close to his body heat as much as he could during the night. Stiles blinked at him with half lidded eyes, still half asleep.

Coach looked over the group with a huff. From the back, Issac and Boyd both stuck sleepy heads into view. On their own seats, Lydia and Allison both yawned. "I don't want to know. I really don't. Cause you missed the announcement, the meet has been cancelled. We're going home". Around him, the rest of the students began filing in.

Baby yawned and clicked his stiff neck. Stiles grunted and shoved the boy's legs of his lap. "Urgh get off me. Why are you so cold?"

"I'm dead". The look on Stiles face told him that it was too early for sarcasm. In front of them, Scott blinked in surprise as Ethan sat down next to him. The young alpha looked awkward.

"Look", he spoke. "I don't know what happened last night but I'm pretty sure you saved my life. But not that it matters anyway".

"Actually I saved your life", Stiles voiced. Ethan barely gave him a glance, eyes resting on Baby for a confused second before turning back to Scott.

"So I'm going to give you something. We're pretty sure Derek is still alive". Scott's eyes widened and Ethan's face became stony. "But he killed one of ours. That means one of two things can happen. Either he joins our pack"-

"And kills his own", Scott added in a murmur.

Ethan took a breath. "Or Cali goes after him and we kill him. That's the way it works". Done with his message, Ethan stood up and headed down the bus to sit next to Danny.

"You wolves have messed up ethics", Baby commented.

"Like you can talk Vampy", Stiles retorted. "Do you even know the meaning of the word friends?" The words stung more than stiles probably intended. His eyes widened as Baby's narrowed sharply.

"You are a bloody twat" he snapped. He really wanted a coffee. "I have friends. We vamps are just not pack types of creatures. We are solitary hunters". With that, he shoved his way past Stiles and moved down the bus to take the empty seat on the aisle in front of Danny. The conversation between him and Ethan cutting off as he sat down.

"Here, thanks". Baby dropped Danny's bag onto his lap.

Danny grinned at the sight of his shirt still covering Baby's chest. He had pulled on his black jeans from the day before but his hoodie and shirt had been stuffed into Danny's bag. "That suits you. Makes you look less Emo".

"Haha", Baby rested his chin on the leather. "Urgh I feel like shit".

"You look it. Eaten recently?"

Ethan looked very confused at this point. "What do you mean?"

"Two days ago", Baby replied. "I'll go to Deaton's when I get back. No time for hunting".

Ethan frowned. "What are you?

"What? You haven't sniffed it out yet?" Danny laughed. "I thought that you Wolves had good senses".

"You know?"

"Of course I freaking know. Just don't want to get involved. Keep me out of it and I'll keep dating you". Danny pressed a kiss to Ethan's cheek and the werewolf smiled widely. They had only been dating a few weeks and Ethan was already under Danny's thumb.

"Aww", Baby cooed. Ethan promptly scowled at him for ruining the moment.

"Shut you you cold blooded corpse", Danny raised a hand and pushed Baby's face away as he laughed.

"Wow", Baby sniggered. "Original. Haven't heard that one before". He and Danny began giggling at each other. Ethan looking between them with a increasingly confused expression. After a minute, he obviously got sick of being left out of the loop. With a grumble, he reached out with one hand and snatched up a handful of cloth. Baby made a surprised yelp as he was dragged harshly over the back of the seats bu the collar of his tshirt.

"Oi", Danny snapped. "Don't stretch my tshirt". Ethan ignored him and inhaled deeply through his nose. The scent of sickly sweet, so sweet and cloying that it was almost decaying, made him cough. He shoved Baby harshly back as he coughed into his sleeve.

"You're a fucking vampire", he groaned. "Yuck". Danny and Baby laughed at his disgusted expression. Wolves never really liked his smell. Luckily, it was lighter than it used to be, only Detectable if smelt at close range. Ethan had obviously realised his mistake.

"Why the fuck is a vampire here? And how do you know him? I thought that all the vampires long left beacon hills".

"Well, I came back", Baby shrugged. "And you have to be a higher level friend if you want to unlock my tragic backstory". Danny snorted and hid his grin in his sleeve.

Ethan gave him a blank look. "Don't care anyway. Just stay out of pack business and I won't tell The rest of my pack".

"Does it look like I care wether you tell your silly pack leader or not?" Baby rolled his eyes. "He knows better than to antagonise a vampire. Besides, I have no interest in what ever is going on between the packs. I am merely hanging around for the entertainment".

Ethan shrugged with a 'fair enough' expression. Danny pulled a face. "Can you go?" He asked Baby. "Love you bro but I want to make out with my boyfriend. Please leave".

"Fine", Baby huffed, lips twitching at the corners. "I known where I am not wanted. Have fun snogging". He laughed as Danny flicked him the middle finger. With a fond smile, he waved two fingers back a he stood up. "That's not an insult here!" Danny called after him as Baby stomped down the bus.

"Fuck off you Git". He flopped onto the empty seat behind Alison and Lydia. Both girls turned to stare at him as he grinned. "Hello ladies".


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