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The next time Baby woke he was alone in the underground corridor. He looked around as he waited for his gaze to focus. The water was still dripping but he couldn't hear anyone breathing. When his gaze had stopped blurring, he looked around. He was truly alone. Stiles, void, was gone. His neck stung and he pressed a shaking hand to it. It came away still sticky with blood and he groaned. The bite wound Void had left was healing but slowly. Parts of it were tight with scabs but other parts were still wet. His sole body ached. His stomach grumbling and the cold making him shiver.

Baby pushed himself up. He had been slouched on the floor against the wall. A familiar hoodie was draped over his curled up form. He clung to it desperately, lifting the fabric to sniff it. It still faintly smelt of stiles. Not void but the scent Stiles had naturally before the nogitsune corrupted it. He pulled the worn material around him and shivered. Judging from the light streaming in, it was day again. He had no idea how long he had been imprisoned there. More vervain and mistletoe hung in the air. Their effects keeping him hazy and weak.

It took several minutes before he began to move. He scrabbled in his pockets for his phone. The screen showed no signal and a low battery. It was no help. His wallet was still there as well as his keys but they were of no help. He cursed himself for not dressing in warmer clothes when he had taken Malia to Scott's house that day. He should have had his daily blood bags. At the thought, his stomach rumbled and he pressed a hand to it. He was cold, felt like shit and hungry. He drew his knees up to his chest and rested his head on them with a whine, hiding his face behind his arms. He was sacred and alone and his ex boyfriend was possessed with a evil fox spirit who was obsessed with him. He wanted to cry.


The next time he woke up was to hands shaking him. "Baby! Baby please wake up! Baby!" He groaned and blinked open his eyes. Lydia's face swimming into focus. He lifted his head and frowned at her.

"Lydia. What are you doing here?"

"The nogitsune took me", she muttered. Then her voice softened. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? You look terrible".

"Thanks", Baby tried to smile but it was weak. "He did something to me. Poison maybe? But there's vervain and mistletoe in the air". He coughed and more black substance dotted his hand. Lydia paled at the sight. She sat down next to him and let him lean on her.

"You're like ice", she sighed as she pulled the hoodie closer around his shoulders. "What did he do to you? You're bleeding". Baby hissed in pain as she tried to peer at his bite wound. Her eyes widened. "Oh my god he bit you?"

"Said that he needed my blood", he muttered.

"This is sick. We need to get you to Deaton".

"The doors are chained shut", Baby slurred. "I can barely move so unless you know how to pick locks. We're stuck". Lydia huffed. She closed her eyes for a second, expression creasing in pain before she opened them again. "What happened?" Baby asked. "How long have I been here".

"Nearly twenty four hours", She replied. She went on to explain how she found stiles in the parking lot and how they had gotten him back to Scott. Apparently they had managed to enter his mind and do something that made another stiles form. Lydia hadn't seen much more before the nogitsune had kidnapped her.

"So there is two stiles running around right now?" Baby asked. "Do you think the other one is the real stiles?"

"I don't know". Her voice was shaky. She closed her eyes again and her expression became pinched.

"Can you hear them?" Stiles' voice echoed down the corridor. Both of them turned. His form was a black shape blocking out the light as he walked slowly towards them. Baby froze as Lydia stood up. She pulled his arm, helping him stand unsteadily next to her. "It's louder than usual, isn't it? Well that's because a lot of bad things happened down here".

Lydia's breath was quick with fear. She began tottering back, her ankle boot heels not steady on the wet floor. She dragged Baby with her and he stumbled. Legs trembling and feet uncoordinated. He raised one hand to the wall, using it as a second crutch as they tried to flee the monster following them. "What are the voices telling you?" Void asked. "Is it that stiles is dying. He is you know". Lydia let out a whimper of fear. "He's dying".

"So what do you need us for? You think I could tell you something?" She called back, voice high with fear. Baby was panting quietly next to her, all his concentration and effort on just moving.

Void chuckled darkly and it bounced around them in echos. Lydia turned a corner and they half fell, half tumbled down a small set of stairs. The door below was a heavy iron gate. This one was padlocked and chained too. They collapsed against it. Beyond they could see another gloomy concrete corridor. No escape. "Oh I know you can", void said. He sounded closer.

"I'm not telling you anything!" She cried, letting go of Baby to grip the bars. He leaned against the wall. Sweat beading his brow and his limbs shaking.

"You won't have to". The void made them both jump. Void was standing right behind them. Stiles' face covered in shadow. Baby made a fearful gasping noise as Lydia whimpered. "You'll be screaming". Lydia gasped then opened her mouth and screamed.


"They'll find us", Lydia was muttering when Baby woke again. They were still slumped at the barred door so he must not have been out for very long. Probably minutes. Lydia crouched at his side, relief on her face at seeing his eyes open. "Our friends are going to find us". Baby didn't know who she was trying to reassure. Herself or him. He reached out a hand, her eyes lit up soon seeing that he was awake. She grasped it tightly in hers, squeezing it until her knuckles turned white.

"They'll find us", he murmured with a slight smile. "You'll be okay".

"You think so?" Void was seated on the top of the steps above them. Watching with dark eyes. "I myself, was kinda wondering what they're doing right now. What useless lead they're chasing. I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now. Are they really spending every minute looking for the two of you? Or are they waiting for nightfall. Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time".

Lydia huffed tiredly. She shifted to turn and face him. "What do you want?" Baby didn't like the sound of defeat in her voice.


"More what?" He mumbled quietly, not enough strength to be louder. Void heard him as he stood up.

"I said this to Baby there but I might as well refresh your memory. The trickster stories are all about food Lydia", he slowly descended the steps towards them. There wasn't much room at the bottom and Baby was occupying most of it. "The coyote, the raven, the fox. They're all hungry. I'm the same. I just crave something a little different". He reached the bottom of the stairs and bent down. Baby tried to slap his hands away but he didn't have the strength. Void picked him up as if he was a doll and leant him against the wall. A hand gripping his shoulder stopping Baby from sliding back down again. "I ear what you feel". Lydia made a high noise, her back to Void as he leant towards her. "And I'm insatiable".

"Leave her alone", baby scowled. Void turned to him with a smirk.

"Would you like me focus on you instead?" He asked. "I can do that Romeo". He leaned close and Baby flinched, eyes shutting as lips brushed against his. "But alas parting is such sweet sorrow", void chuckled at the quote. Baby trembled in fear. "That I shall say Goodnight until it be morrow". Then he was stepping back. His footfalls audible on the stairs as he left.

Baby sagged as soon as he was gone, sliding down the wall until he was sat on the floor. "What was that?" Lydia asked, voice shaky. She crouched down and the huddled together. "Did he quote Romeo and Juliet at you?"

"He's trying to torment me", Baby muttered. "My real name is Romeo".

Lydia snorted. He blinked at her. "Sorry", she muttered. "I'm just surprised. I think the situation is getting to me".

"Yeah you can laugh", Baby smiled slightly, glad she was here even if it mean that she was in danger too. He didn't want to be alone. "It's a terrible name. Actually my whole name is terrible".

"What is it?"

"Romeo Valentine goldsmith".

Lydia made a small humming noise. "That is pretty bad. I can see why you go by Baby". Baby's smile was full this time.


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